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Title: Seabird identification guide
Other Titles: Seabird identification guide a guide to seabirds commonly rescued in New South Wales
Authors: Department of Climate Change Energy, the Environment and Water
Keywords: Seabirds idnetification;Penguin (Sphenisciformes);Terns and gulls (Charadriiformes) identification;Cormorants, pelican and gannets (Pelecaniformes
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Environment and Heritage.
Series/Report no.: ;EH 2024/0138
Abstract: This booklet was created to help the wildlife rehabilitation sector identify seabirds rescued in New South Wales. The species chosen are those most often rescued by wildlife organisations who are licensed under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and provide rescue data to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. This publication was made possible thanks to funding provided by the Marine Estate Management Strategy.
ISBN: 978-1-923285-07-1
Appears in Collections:Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water [2024-present]

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