Department of Urban Affairs and Planning [1995-2001] : [71] Collection home page

The Department of Urban Affairs and Planning was established on 5 April 1995. The new agency consisted of the former Department of Planning, all branches from the Ministry of Housing, Planning and Urban Affairs apart from the Office of Real Estate Services; the City West Development Corporation, Honeysuckle Development Corporation and the Sydney Cove Re-development Authority from the Property Services Group which was abolished. In late November 2001 the Department was re-named The Department of Planning . It was known as ‘PlanningNSW’. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 71
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
archaeological-assessment-guidelines-1996.pdf.jpg1996Archaeological assessments guidelinesDepartment of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Plan Making in NSW Opportunities for the Future - Discussion Paper.pdf.jpg1999Plan Making in NSW Opportunities for the Future - Discussion PaperDepartment of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Building Trends in the Greater Metropolitan Region 1997.pdf.jpg1997Building Trends in the Greater Metropolitan Region 1997Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Multi-Unit Housing Market for Older Persons Project Volume 3 Supply Side a Research Report June 1996.pdf.jpg1996Multi-Unit Housing Market for Older Persons Project Volume 3 Supply Side a Research Report June 1996Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Heritage Items North Coast Regional Environmental Plan Draft Amendment No 3 March 1998.pdf.jpg1998Heritage Items North Coast Regional Environmental Plan Draft Amendment No 3 March 1998Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Conservation Areas Guidelines for Managing Change in Heritage Conservation Areas 1996.pdf.jpg1996Conservation Areas Guidelines for Managing Change in Heritage Conservation Areas 1996Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Modelling Areas of Habitat Significance for Vertebrate Fauna and Vascular Flora in the Southern CRA Region.pdf.jpg2000Modelling areas of habitat significance for vertebrate fauna and vascular flora in the Southern CRA region /Department of Urban Affairs and Planning; Resource and Conservation Division 
Multi-Unit Housing Market for Older Persons Project Volume 2 Demand Side a Research Report June 1996.pdf.jpg1996Multi-Unit Housing Market for Older Persons Project Volume 2 Demand Side a Research Report June 1996Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Towards an Eden Regional Forest Agreement Information Kit May 1998.pdf.jpg1998Towards an Eden Regional Forest Agreement Information Kit May 1998Department of Urban Affairs and Planning; Resource and Conservation Division 
Sawmill Survey Southern Region Abare December 1999.pdf.jpg1999Sawmill Survey Southern Region Abare December 1999Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
The Oaks Oakdale and Belimbla Park Proposed Sewerage Scheme June 2001.pdf.jpg2001The Oaks Oakdale and Belimbla Park Proposed Sewerage Scheme June 2001Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Sydney Harbour and Tributaries Discussion Paper Towards a Vision and Strategic Program October 1999.pdf.jpg1999Sydney Harbour and Tributaries Discussion Paper Towards a Vision and Strategic Program October 1999Environment Protection Authority; Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Risk Assessment Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Paper No 3 Environmental Risk Impact Assessment Guidelines 2000.pdf.jpg2000Risk Assessment Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory Paper No 3 Environmental Risk Impact Assessment Guidelines 2000Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Georges River Catchment Regional Environmental Study October 1998.pdf.jpg1998Georges River Catchment Regional Environmental Study October 1998Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Area Assistance Scheme Policy and Procedure Guidelines 1999-2000 Funding Round.pdf.jpg2000Area Assistance Scheme Policy and Procedure Guidelines 1999-2000 Funding RoundDepartment of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Area Assistance Scheme Handbook for Funded Organisations June 2001.pdf.jpg2001Area Assistance Scheme Handbook for Funded Organisations June 2001Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Georges River Catchment Draft Regional Environmental Plan October 1998.pdf.jpg1998Georges River Catchment Draft Regional Environmental Plan October 1998Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Area Assistance Scheme Handbook for Funded Organisations February 1999.pdf.jpg1999Area Assistance Scheme Handbook for Funded Organisations February 1999Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Georges River Catchment Draft Regional Planning Strategy October 1998.pdf.jpg1998Georges River Catchment Draft Regional Planning Strategy October 1998Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Area Assistance Scheme Handbook for Funded Organisations April 2000.pdf.jpg2000Area Assistance Scheme Handbook for Funded Organisations April 2000Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 71