Office of Environment and Heritage [2010-2019] : [1964] Collection home page

The Office of Environment and Heritage was established under the Public Sector Employment and Management (Departments) Order 2011 as a division of the Principal Department, the Department of Premier and Cabinet. It comprised staff of the former Principal Department, the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water and of the Heritage Branch of the Department of Planning. Most branches of the former Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water became branches of the Office of Environment and Heritage. From 23 April 2014 the Office of Environment and Heritage was removed from the Department of Premier and Cabinet to form part of the Department of Planning and Environment. At 30 June 2014 the Office of Environment and Heritage consisted of the following areas: Customer Experience; Heritage; Legal Services; National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS); Policy; Regional Operations; Science; and, Strategy, Performance and Services. At 30 June 2017 the Office of Environment and Heritage consisted of the following divisions: Parks Operations Division (led by National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS); Park Programs Divisions (also led by NPWS); Regional Operations Division; Heritage Division; Policy Division; Science Division and Strategy and Performance Division. From 15 March 2017 the Office of Environment and Heritage within the Department of Planning and Environment was responsible to the portfolios of the Environment, of Heritage, and of Planning. The Office of Environment and Heritage was abolished on 1 July 2019. Most persons employed in the Office of Environment and Heritage were transferred to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. The Heritage Division and the Cultural Policy Branch were transferred from the Office of Environment and Heritage to the Department of Premier and Cabinet. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1964
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-zimmer-200377.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Post-fire recovery of Mount Canobolas’ unique threatened species_2018-19Office of Environment and Heritage; Conservation and Regional Delivery 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-Tulloch-200405.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Rapid assessment and prediction of condition in threatened ecological communities to inform conservation resource allocation decisions_2018-19Office of Environment and Heritage; Conservation and Regional Delivery 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-Tozer-200404.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Defining fire regime thresholds of potential concern for the critically endangered eastern suburbs banksia scrub_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-tierney-200376.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: An assessment of Box Gum Woodland to drive effective restoration_2018-19Office of Environment and Heritage; Conservation and Regional Delivery 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-sommerville-200373.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Improving ex situ techniques to support threatened orchid translocations_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-rymer-woody-plants-200403.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Adaptive capacity to climate change in rare woody plants: a comparative framework for testing model predictions_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-rymer-physiological-tolerance-200398.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Quantifying adaptive capacity to climate change through a multi-faceted approach: habitat suitability, functional traits, physiological tolerance and genetic adaptation_2018-19Office of Environment and Heritage; Conservation and Regional Delivery 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-renner-200395.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Trait-based modelling of species communities using presence-only data_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-ooi-200390.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Assessment of exposure of threatened plants to adverse fire impacts_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-nicotra-200380.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Assessing adaptive capacity of species in threatened ecological communities by mapping thermal tolerance thresholds_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-mcsorely-200375.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Improving measurement, monitoring and management of feral cats_2018-19Office of Environment and Heritage; Conservation and Regional Delivery 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-Mahoney-200407.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Establishing population status and identifying priority management sites for the stuttering frog (Mixophyes balbus)_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-keith-patch-value-200378.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Patch value, viability and resilience: building the evidence base to support regulatory and investment decisions for conservation of threatened ecological communities and species_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-keith-groundwater-systems-200379.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Conservation of threatened groundwater-dependent ecosystems: understanding resilience and adaptive capacity to hydrological change_2018-19Office of Environment and Heritage; Conservation and Regional Delivery 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-horton-200394.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Identifying meaningful indicators of ecosystem function for monitoring threatened ecological communities_2018-19Office of Environment and Heritage; Conservation and Regional Delivery 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-Gross-200406.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Pollination systems as indicators of fire regimes – a study of thresholds_2018-19Office of Environment and Heritage; Conservation and Regional Delivery 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-french-200393.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Abating the threat of exotic vines and scramblers in coastal forests and woodlands_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-dudaneic-200374.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Building resilience of swamp communities to environmental change in Sydney Basin swamps_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-denham-200392.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Techniques to maximise ecosystem function and adaptive capacity in threatened ecological community restoration_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
saving-our-species-annual-report-card-2018-19-crocetti-200391.PDF.jpg2018SoS Annual Report Card_Science and research: Heating up – planning for climate impacts on sea turtles in New South Wales_2018-19Conservation and Regional Delivery; Office of Environment and Heritage 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1964