Department of Environment and Conservation [2003-2007] : [356] Collection home page

The Department of Environment and Conservation was established by Public Sector and Management (Environment and Conservation) Order 2003 on 24 September 2003. The following agencies were abolished and their branches were transferred to the new Department: Environment Protection Authority; National Parks and Wildlife Service; Resource New South Wales; and the Royal Botanical Gardens and Domain Trust. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 356
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
landholderNotes01TreeHollows.pdf.jpg2004Trees with hollows - Natural resource management advisory series: Note 1Department of Environment and Conservation; Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources; Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority 
BatCallsOfNSW.pdf.jpg2004Bat calls of New South Wales - Region based guide to the echolocation calls of microchiropteran batsPennay, M; Reinhold, L; Law, B; State Forests of New South Wales; Queensland Department of Natural Resources; Department of Environment and Conservation 
landholderNotes10OldGrowthForests.pdf.jpg2004Old growth forests - Natural resource management series: Note 10Department of Environment and Conservation; Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources; Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority 
landholderNotes07BatRoosts.pdf.jpg2004Bat roosts - Natural resource management series: Note 7Department of Environment and Conservation; Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources; Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority 
EEClittoralrainforestsuphighres.pdf.jpg2008Supplementary Information for: Littoral Rainforest in the South East Corner, Sydney Basin and NSW North Coast bioregions - Identification guidelines for endangered ecological communities (high resolution)Department of Environment and Conservation; Natural Heritage Trust 
EEClittoralrainforestsuplowres.pdf.jpg2008Supplementary Information for: Littoral Rainforest in the South East Corner, Sydney Basin and NSW North Coast bioregions - Identification guidelines for endangered ecological communities (low resolution)Department of Environment and Conservation; Natural Heritage Trust 
EEClittoralrainforesthighres.pdf.jpg2008Littoral Rainforest in the South East Corner, Sydney Basin and NSW North Coast bioregions - Identification guidelines for endangered ecological communities (high resolution)Department of Environment and Conservation; Natural Heritage Trust 
EEClittoralrainforestlowres.pdf.jpg2008Littoral Rainforest in the South East Corner, Sydney Basin and NSW North Coast bioregions - Identification guidelines for endangered ecological communities (low resolution)Natural Heritage Trust; Department of Environment and Conservation 
08555saltwetbk.pdf.jpg2008Saltwater Wetlands Rehabilitation ManualDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Coastal_Saltmarsh_A3_110108.pdf.jpg2007Coastal saltmarsh - Identification guidelines for endangered ecological communities (A3)Department of Environment and Conservation; Natural Heritage Trust 
EEC_Coastal_Saltmarsh_110108.pdf.jpg2007Coastal saltmarsh - Identification guidelines for endangered ecological communities (high resolution)Department of Environment and Conservation; Natural Heritage Trust 
EEC_Coastal_Saltmarsh_110108_lowres.pdf.jpg2007Coastal saltmarsh - Identification guidelines for endangered ecological communities (low resolution)Department of Environment and Conservation; Natural Heritage Trust 
zobcorRecPlan.pdf.jpg2007Zieria obcordata Recovery plan - Approved NSW and National Recovery PlanDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
recoveryplanZieriaInvolucrataDraft.pdf.jpg2004Zieria involucrata Draft Recovery PlanDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
shorebirdMappingReportJuly06.pdf.jpg2006Threatened migratory shorebird habitat mapping projectDepartment of Environment and Conservation; Avifauna Research and Services 
wollemiCriticalHabitatDetermination.pdf.jpg2007Declaration of critical habitat for the Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis)Department of Environment and Conservation 
landholderNotes05FleshyFruitedTrees.pdf.jpg2004Fleshy fruited fruit trees - Natural resource management advisory series: Note 5Department of Environment and Conservation; Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources; Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority 
landholderNotes08FlyingFoxCamps.pdf.jpg2004Flying-fox camps - Natural resource management advisory series: Note 8Department of Environment and Conservation; Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources; Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority 
landholderNotes03YellowBelliedGlider.pdf.jpg2004Yellow-Bellied Glidder feed trees - Natural Resources Management Advisory Series: Note 3Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources; Department of Environment and Conservation; Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority 
landholderNotes06RaptorsWaterBirds.pdf.jpg2004Raptor and Water Birds Nest Trees - Natural Resources Management Advisory Series: Note 6Department of Environment and Conservation; Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources; Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 356