Department of Environment and Conservation [2003-2007] : [356] Collection home page

The Department of Environment and Conservation was established by Public Sector and Management (Environment and Conservation) Order 2003 on 24 September 2003. The following agencies were abolished and their branches were transferred to the new Department: Environment Protection Authority; National Parks and Wildlife Service; Resource New South Wales; and the Royal Botanical Gardens and Domain Trust. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 356
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
recoveryplanDraftOleariaFlocktoniae.pdf.jpg2004Draft NSW and National recovery plan - Olearia flocktoniae (Dorrigo Daisy Bush)Department of Environment and Conservation; Natural Heritage Trust 
recoveryplanGreenGoldBellFrogDraft.pdf.jpg2005Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea (Lesson 1829) Recovery Plan - Draft recovery planDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
SAS2008.pdf.jpg2008Swifts Across the Strait - 2008 newsletterDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
SAS2007.pdf.jpg2007Swifts Across the Strait - 2007 newsletterDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
2024Survey sheet instructionsDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
recoveryplanDraftFontaineaOraria.pdf.jpg2004Fontainea oraria (Coastal Fontainea) - Draft NSW & National Recovery planNatural Hertiage Trust; Department of Environment and Conservation 
recoveryplanDraftCorchorusCunninghamii.pdf.jpg2004Corchorus cunninghamii - Draft NSW & National Recovery PlanDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
landholderNotes02GlossyBlackCockatoo.pdf.jpg2004Glossy Black-cockatoo feed trees - Natural Resource Management Advisory Series: Note 2Northern Rivers Catchment Manageemnt Authority; Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources; Department of Environment and Conservation 
Bat roosts.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 7: Bat roostsDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Wildlife corridors.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 15: Wildlife corridorsDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Threatened species recovery plans.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 14: Threatened species recovery plansDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Threatened species conservation.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 13: Threatened species conservationDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Biodiversity it's everyone’s business.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 12: Biodiversity it's everyones businessDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Cultural heritage.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 11: Cultural heritageDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Old growth forests.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 10: Old growth forestsDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Koala habitat.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 9: Koala habitatDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Flying-fox camps.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 8: Flying-fox campsDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Raptor and water birds nest trees.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 6: Raptor & water birds nest treesDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Fleshy fruited food trees.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 5: Fleshy fruited food treesDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Nectar food trees.pdf.jpg2004Natural resource management advisory series : note 4: Nectar food treesDepartment of Environment and Conservation 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 356