Browsing by Author Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Berry plant protection guide 2025-web.pdf.jpg2025Berry plant protection guide 2025–26Gaius Leong; Melinda Simpson; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
PUB24-832-Final-report-Biosecurity-awareness-and-EAD-preparedness-in-NSW-high-schools_Sept-2024.pdf.jpg2024Biosecurity awareness and emergency animal disease preparedness in NSW high schoolsFaster Horses project team; Schembri, N; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Biosecurity awareness and emergency animal disease preparedness in NSW high schools_Executive summary of the final report.pdf.jpg2024Biosecurity awareness and emergency animal disease preparedness in NSW high schools : summary of the final reportSchembri, N; Brockelsby, A, L; Wilkinson, L; Carr-Boyd, A; Doyle, E; Faster Horses Consulting Pty Ltd.; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Lower Mehi River Habitat Mapping Report 2024.pdf.jpg2024Fish Habitat MappingDepartment of Primary Industries and Regional Development; DPI Fisheries 
Grapevine-management-guide-2024-25.pdf.jpg2024Grapevine management guide 2024-25Flannery, Penny; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; DPI Agriculture 
Identifying biological stocks of Silver Trevally and Ocean Jackets for assessment and management.pdf.jpg2024Identifying biological stocks of Silver Trevally and Ocean Jackets for assessment and managementDepartment of Primary Industries and Regional Development; John Stewart; FRDC; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation 
Macadamia-plant-protection-guide-2024.pdf.jpg2024Macadamia plant protection guide 2024-25Bright, Jeremy; Department of Regional NSW; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
NSW-Recreational-Fishing-Guide-Freshwater-2024-2025 .pdf.jpg2024NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide 2024-2025DPI Fisheries; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Orchard-plant-protection-guide-2024.pdf.jpg2024Orchard plant protection guide for deciduous fruits in NSW 2024–25Jessica Fearnley; Kevin Dodds; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Regional Plant Biosecurity Status Report_North West Local Land Services Region_2024.pdf.jpg2024Regional Plant Biosecurity Status Report North West Local Land Services Region (2024)Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; Department of Regional NSW 
Weed-control-in-winter-crops-2024.pdf.jpg2024Weed control in winter cropsHeuston, Penny; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Weed-control-in-winter-crops-2025.pdf.jpg2025Weed control in winter crops 2025Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development