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dc.contributor.authorGray, Teresa.en
dc.contributor.authorKoettig, Margit.en
dc.contributor.authorPartl, Sabine.en
dc.descriptionRevised and expanded version of a document :The Skeleton manual : a handbook for identification of aboriginal skeletal remains", originally produced by the National Parks and Wildlife Service in 1986.-
dc.description.abstractAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that this item may contain culturally sensitive information or the names or images of people who have died.-
dc.publisherDepartment of Environment and Conservationen
dc.rightsAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that this item may contain culturally sensitive information or the names or images of people who have died.-
dc.source/mnt/conversions/nswdpe/20220727_1_DPIE 4 Parramatta Square (128 boxes)//Scanned Files/Box 1/Manual for the Identification of Aboriginal Remains.pdfen
dc.subjectAboriginal Australiansen
dc.titleManual for the identification of Aboriginal remainsen
dc.contributor.corpauthorDepartment of Environment and Conservation-
dc.identifier.barcodeManual for the Identification of Aboriginal Remains.pdfen
Appears in Collections:Department of Environment and Conservation [2003-2007]

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