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dc.description"This new magazine represents a big breakthrough both for N.S. W. State Fisheries and for the Government of New South Wales. It replaces the journal "The Fisherman" which was well-known to many readers in the fishing industry and in the public"en
dc.description.tableofcontentsFish and Fisheries of New South Wales by Tony Law Seafood & Wine by Murray Tyrrel. A Beginner's Guide to Abalone by Gary Hamer Skindiving for Rock Lobsters by Johann Bell. Catching & Cooking the Yabby by Tom Johnson. Tailor: Answering Some Questions by Julian Pepperell. The Technique of Tailor Fishing by Gary Chapman. Fishing for Spaniards by Ron Calcutt. Groper from the Rocks by Gene & Gwen Dundon Saltwater Flyfishing by Rod Harrison. Estuaries Produce Fish By David Pollard. The Spectrum of Jigging by Ron Calcutt. Biology and Life Cycles of Prawns by John Glaister. Days on the River by John Sautelle. Fish in Farm Dams by Fred Reynolds . Inland Sportfishing by Rod Harrison. Bass by Alan Ehl . The Fishing Clinic.-
dc.publisherState Fisheries NSWen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFish & Fisheries;1980, No 1-
dc.subjectFishing journalen
dc.subjectFisheries NSWen
dc.subjectAnimals - fishen
dc.titleFish & Fisheriesen
dc.title.alternativeFish and fisheriesen
dc.contributor.corpauthorNSW State Fisheries-
Appears in Collections:NSW State Fisheries [1976 - 1983]

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