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dc.description.abstractThis advisory note examines koala habitat identification and management in North East New South Wales, where koalas are listed as vulnerable under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. The document outlines key indicators for identifying koala habitat, including the presence of primary and secondary food tree species, historical records, and physical evidence such as scratches and scats. It provides comprehensive lists of koala food trees for both the North Coast and Northern Tablelands Koala Management Areas, categorizing them as primary or secondary species based on koala usage patterns. The note establishes specific criteria for recognizing potential and confirmed koala habitat, emphasizing the importance of protecting primary food trees and conducting proper habitat assessments. Management recommendations include guidelines for landowners and practical conservation measures. This resource serves as a technical guide for environmental managers, landowners, and conservation practitioners involved in koala habitat preservation in northeastern NSW, where significant habitat occurs on private lands and faces ongoing threats. The document addresses the critical need for habitat identification and protection, given that koalas have disappeared from 50-75% of their former range in NSW.en
dc.formatAdvisory noteen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNatural resource management advisory series-
dc.subjectAdvisory noteen
dc.subjectThreatened speciesen
dc.subjectBiodiversity conservationen
dc.subjectHabitat Ecologyen
dc.subjectWildlife conservationen
dc.subjectForest ecologyen
dc.subjectEnvironmental conservationen
dc.subjectKoalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)en
dc.subjectHabitat conservationen
dc.subjectEndangered speciesen
dc.subjectEucalyptus treesen
dc.subjectFood treesen
dc.subject.lcshHabitat (Ecology)en
dc.subject.lcshWildlife conservationen
dc.titleNatural resource management advisory series : note 9: Koala habitaten
dc.contributor.corpauthorDepartment of Environment and Conservationen
dc.subject.iatsisAnimals - Endangered-
dc.subject.iatsisAnimals - Mammals - Marsupials - Koalas-
dc.subject.iatsisEnvironment - Biodiversity-
dc.subject.iatsisEnvironment - Biodiversity - Animals-
dc.subject.iatsisEnvironment - Biodiversity - Plants-
dc.subject.iatsisEnvironment - Conservation-
dc.subject.iatsisEnvironment - Conservation - Conservation areas-
dc.subject.iatsisEnvironment - Conservation - Forests-
dc.subject.iatsisPlants - Endangered-
Appears in Collections:Department of Environment and Conservation [2003-2007]

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