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Title: Department of Premier and Cabinet annual report 2011-12
Authors: Department of Premier and Cabinet
National Parks and Wildlife Service
Environment Protection Authority
NSW Environmental Trust
Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust
Office of Environment and Heritage
Keywords: Annual report;Annual report
Issue Date: 2012
Series/Report no.: Department of Premier and Cabinet annual reports
National Parks and Wildlife Service annual reports
Environment Protection Authority annual reports
NSW Environmental Trust annual reports
Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust annual reports
Office of Environment and Heritage annual reports
Abstract: The 2011-2012 Annual Report of the New South Wales Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) details significant organizational changes including the establishment of the Public Service Commission and Infrastructure NSW and documents the DPC's leadership in implementing major reform initiatives. Key achievements include developing NSW 2021 (the State Plan), coordinating the Government's response to the Commission of Audit findings, and laying foundations for Service NSW, the establishment of Dharawal National Park to protect it from mining, implementation of the Enhanced Bushfire Management Program with $62.5 million allocated over five years, and delivery of conservation initiatives such as the BioBanking Scheme and Great Eastern Ranges Initiative. The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), operating within DPC, implemented major environmental programs including managing environmental water deliveries of 940,000 megalitres to priority wetlands and rivers. The report reveals substantial investment in visitor facilities and services across national parks, with over 90,000 school children participating in Discovery education programs. Financial statements show a net operating deficit of $129.4 million, reflecting increased expenditure on environmental and other initiatives.
ISSN: 1836-4721
Appears in Collections:Department of Premier and Cabinet [2007 - 2023]

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