DPI Agriculture - Southern and Northern Research Results [2011-present] : [736] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 736
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
NRR-2019-P13-Cook-+.pdf.jpg2019Glyphosate resistant flaxleaf fleabane (Conzya bonariensis) control with alternative non-conventional herbicides: Comparison of spray volumes – Tamworth (glasshouse) 2018Cook, Tony; Davidson, Bill; Miller, Bec 
NRR-2019-P12-Cook-+.pdf.jpg2019Glyphosate-resistant flaxleaf fleabane (Conzya bonariensis) control with alternative non-conventional herbicides: Using repeated applications to control large weed sizes – Tamworth (glasshouse) 2018Cook, Tony; Davidson, Bill; Miller, Bec 
NRR-2019-P11-Kadkol-+.pdf.jpg2019Durum wheat varieties grown in NSW since 1965: agronomy and qualityKadkol, Gururaj; Sissons, Mike; Harden, Steve 
NRR-2019-P10-Cook-+.pdf.jpg2019Glyphosate-resistant annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) control with alternative, non-conventional herbicides: Comparison of spray volumes – Tamworth (glasshouse) 2018Cook, Tony; Davidson, Bill; Miller, Bec 
NRR-2019-P09-Cook-+.pdf.jpg2019Glyphosate-resistant annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) control with non-conventional herbicides: Using repeated applications to control large weed sizes – Tamworth (glasshouse) 2018Cook, Tony; Davidson, Bill; Miller, Bec 
NRR-2019-P08-GrahamR-+.pdf.jpg2019Chickpea response to deep placement of phosphorus on a chromosol soil – Gilgandra 2017Graham, Rick; Brooke, Greg; Bell, Mike; Mugerwa, Thomas Tendo Mukasa; Formann, Peter 
NRR-2019-P07-GrahamN-+.pdf.jpg2019Chickpea pod set under cool temperatures – Tamworth 2018Graham, Neroli; Warren, Annie; Hobson, Kristy; Davidson, Laney 
NRR-2019-P06-Baird-+.pdf.jpg2019The influence different farming systems have on soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium – NSW northern regionBaird, Jon; Gentry, Jayne 
NRR-2019-P05-Bithell-+.pdf.jpg2019Chickpea root DNA tool to identify chickpea root distributionBithell, Sean; Verrell, Andrew; Giblot-Ducray, Daniele; Hobson, Kristy; Harden, Steve 
NRR-2019-P04-Bithell-+.pdf.jpg2019Phytophthora root rot–reduced yield losses in crosses with wild Cicer relatives – Warwick 2018Bithell, Sean; Hobson, Kristy; Martin, Willy; Ryan, Merrill; Harden, Steve; Moore, Kevin 
NRR-2019-P03-Dron-+.pdf.jpg2019The impact of waterlogging on phytophthora root rot resistance in chickpeaDron, Nicole; Bithell, Sean; Sutton, Tim; Hobson, Kristy 
NRR-2019-P02-Petronaitis-+.pdf.jpg2019Crown rot stubble inoculum levels within season and further growth after harvestPetronaitis, Toni; Forknall, Clayton; Simpfendorfer, Steven 
NRR-2019-P01-Mugerwa-+.pdf.jpg2019Yield response of canola and wheat to nitrogen application – Tamworth 2018Mugerwa, Thomas Tendo Mukasa; Graham, Rick; Formann, Peter; Haigh, Bruce 
NRR20-14-Hertel soil water mungbean Narrabri 2016-17-+.pdf.jpg2020Soil water dynamics in spring and summer mungbean under rainfed and irrigation production systems – Narrabri 2016–17Hertel, Kathi; Uddin, Jasim; Whitton, Mitch; Morphew, Joe; Harden, Steven 
NRR20-13-Dunn soybean Narrabri 2019-20-+.pdf.jpg2020Soybean variety evaluation Narrabri, NSW 2019–20Dunn, Mathew; Nguyen, Nguyen; Moore, Natalie 
NRR20-12-Ensbey soybean Tabulam 2018-9-+.pdf.jpg2020Soybean variety evaluation – Tabulam, NSW 2018–19Ensbey, Nathan; Nguyen, Nguyen; Moore, Natalie; Blanch, Sam 
NRR20-11-Serafin sorghum winter mungindi-+.pdf.jpg2020Can winter planted sorghum be successfully established at Mungindi?Serafin, Loretta; Hellyer, Mark; Rodriguez, Daniel; Eyre, Joe; Aisthorpe, Darren 
NRR20-10-Hertel safflower sowing date northern 2014-+.pdf.jpg2020Safflower: Optimising sowing date in northern NSW in 2014Hertel, Kathi; Chapman, Craig; Morphew, Joe; Harden, Steven 
NRR20-09-Dron Predica-B chickpea waterlogged-+.pdf.jpg2020Diagnostic PREDICTA®B testing for Phytophthora inoculum of chickpea during waterlogged soil conditions.Dron, Nicole; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Bithell, Sean; Harden, Steven; Hobson, Kristy 
NRR20-08-Simpfendorfer net blotch barley grafton 2018-+.pdf.jpg2020Managing spot form of net-blotch in barley – Grafton 2018Simpfendorfer, Steven; Moore, Natalie; Blanch, Sam; Fensbo, Chrystal; Fensbo, Finn 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 736