Fisheries Branch [1911-1976] : [88] Collection home page

Fisheries Branch of the Chief (Colonial) Secretary’s Department.

The Board of Fisheries was dissolved under The Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1910 (Act No.14, 1910) on 1 November 1911. The Board was dissolved due to a number of reasons including dissatisfaction by fishermen and the growing importance of the industry. The Board was criticised because the majority of its members had little knowledge of the industry and it was labelled as cumbersome because it could not deal promptly with matters requiring immediate attention. The Royal Commission into Food Supplies and Prices described the growing importance of the industry and the possibilities which were being exploited were “questions of policy rather than of administration.” As a result, the Board’s powers, duties, and authorities were now vested in the responsible Minister, the Chief (Colonial) Secretary who would remain responsible until 1974. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 88
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
1970The fisherman : Spring 1970Fisheries Branch 
1970The fisherman : Winter 1970Fisheries Branch 
1970The fisherman : Autumn 1970Fisheries Branch 
1969The fisherman : Summer 1969Fisheries Branch 
1969The fisherman : Spring 1969Fisheries Branch 
1969The fisherman : Winter 1969Fisheries Branch 
1969The fisherman : Autumn 1969Fisheries Branch 
1968The fisherman : Summer 1968Fisheries Branch 
1968The fisherman : Spring 1968Fisheries Branch 
1968The fisherman : Winter 1968Fisheries Branch 
Report on the transport, marketing and distribution of fish in Australia pt 1.pdf.jpg1929Report on the transport, marketing and distribution of fish in AustraliaMarshall, H.M.; Transport, Marketing and Distribution of Fish Committee; Fisheries Branch 
Herlihy, F. J. (1927) New South Wales state trawling industry- historical record 1915-1924.pdf.jpg1927New South Wales state trawling industry : historical record 1915-1924Herlihy, F. J.; Chief Secretaries Department; Fisheries Branch 
State trawling industry royal commission report 1920.pdf.jpg1920Fourth sectional report of the royal commission to inquire into the public service of New South Wales upon the state trawling industryFisheries Branch, Mr G. Mason Allard; Legislative Assembly 
Report of committee appointed to inquire into fish marketing.pdf.jpg1953Report of the committee appointed to inquire into fish marketingC. J. King (Chairman); Fisheries Branch 
Report of committee appointed to inquire into fish marketing .pdf.jpg1953Report of the committee appointed to inquire into fish marketing.Fisheries Branch 
Royal Commission of inquiry as to food supplies and prices  - interim report on the supply and distribution of fish, 1912.pdf.jpg1912Royal commission of inquiry as to food supplies and prices, interim report on the supply and distribution of fishFisheries Branch 
lif_1961_20070927161150.pdf.jpg1961Report of the Chief Secretary on the Fisheries in New South Wales for the year ended 30th June 1961Fisheries Branch 
lif_1960_20070427145020.pdf.jpg1960Report of the Chief Secretary on the Fisheries in New South Wales for the year ended 30th June 1960Fisheries Branch 
lif_1959_20070427144601.pdf.jpg1959Report of the Chief Secretary on the Fisheries in New South Wales for the year ended 30th June 1959Fisheries Branch 
lif_1958_20070427143927.pdf.jpg1958Report by the Chief Secretary on the Fisheries in New South Wales for the year ended 30th June 1958Fisheries Branch 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 88