Gold Commissioner in Charge of Crown Lands - all districts [1853 -1874] : [27] Collection home page

The Commissioners of Crown Lands for the Gold Districts replaced the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Gold Districts. The position of Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Gold District was abolished when responsibility for the gold fields transferred from the Secretary for Lands to the Secretary for Mines from 1 May 1874 under the Mining Act, 1874

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 27 of 27
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Gold Fields. (Shipment of public buildings , &c., for Port Curtis.).pdf.jpg1858Gold Fields. (Shipment of public buildings , &c., for Port Curtis.)New South Wales Legislative Council; Gold Commissioner in Charge of Crown Lands 
Gold fields. (Canoona, Port Curtis) Oct 3.pdf.jpg1858Gold fields. (Canoona, Port Curtis). 3 OctoberNew South Wales Legislative Council; Gold Commissioner in Charge of Crown Lands 
Gold fields. (Canoona, Port Curtis.) Oct 26.pdf.jpg1858Gold fields. (Canoona, Port Curtis.)New South Wales Legislative Council; Gold Commissioner in Charge of Crown Lands 
Gold fields. (Canoona, Port Curtis)..pdf.jpg1858Gold fields. (Canoona, Port Curtis) 16 OctoberNew South Wales Legislative Council; Gold Commissioner in Charge of Crown Lands 
Gold fields. (Report of M.C. O'Connell, on Port Curtis Diggings).pdf.jpg1858Gold fields. (Report of M.C. O'Connell, on Port Curtis Diggings)New South Wales Legislative Council; Gold Commissioner in Charge of Crown Lands 
Gold fields, Braidwood. (Petition of Henry Moreing).pdf.jpg1857Gold fields, Braidwood. (Petition of Henry Morein.)New South Wales Legislative Council; Gold Commissioner in Charge of Crown Lands 
Gold fields. (Specimen of gold from M'Intyre Brook).pdf.jpg1858Gold fields. (Specimen of gold from M'Intyre Brook)New South Wales Legislative Council; Gold Commissioner in Charge of Crown Lands 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 27 of 27