Heritage Council of NSW [1977 - present] : [34] Collection home page

The Heritage Council is an independent statutory body that includes members of the community, the public sector, the conservation profession, and a nominee of the National Trust of Australia (NSW). The Heritage Council of NSW is established under the Heritage Act 1977. It advises the Minister for Environment and Heritage on heritage matters in New South Wales and makes recommendations for the listing of places and objects on the State Heritage Register. The Council makes decisions about the care and protection of heritage places and items that have been identified as being of state significance. This includes recommending the interim protection of potential heritage items so that an assessment of their significance can be made.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
subdivision-policy-state-heritage-register-listed-items-2019.pdf.jpg2019Subdivision and NSW State Heritage Register Items PolicyHeritage Council of NSW 
new-uses-for-heritage-places-guidelines-for-historic-buildings-sites-adaptation.pdf.jpg2007New Uses for Heritage PlacesHeritage Council of NSW 
heritage-maintenance-limewash-2021.pdf.jpg2021Heritage maintenance: LimewashHeritage Council of NSW 
heritage-maintenance-intumescent-paint-systems-and-heritage-buildings-2021.pdf.jpg2021Heritage maintenance: Intumescent paint systems and heritage buildingsHeritage Council of NSW 
heritage-maintenance-fire-safety-orders-and-heritage-buildings-2021.pdf.jpg2021Heritage maintenance: Fire safety orders and heritage buildingsHeritage Council of NSW 
heritage-maintenance-fire-resistance-ceiling-floor-systems-heritage-buildings-2021.pdf.jpg2021Heritage maintenance: Fire resistance of ceiling-floor systems in heritage buildingsHeritage Council of NSW 
heritage-maintenance-fire-and-heritage-buildings-2021.pdf.jpg2021Heritage maintenance: Fire and heritage buildingsHeritage Council of NSW 
heritage-maintenance-equitable-access-fire-safety-and-maintaining-heritage-significance-2021.pdf.jpg2021Heritage maintenance: Equitable access fire safety and maintaining heritage significanceHeritage Council of NSW 
heritage-conservation-management-plan-checklist-2021.pdf.jpg2021Heritage conservation management plan checklistHeritage Council of NSW 
criteria-for-assessing-excavation-directors-04092019.pdf.jpg2019Criteria for assessing excavation directorsHeritage Council of NSW 
better-placed-heritage-design-guide.pdf.jpg2018Design Guide for HeritageHeritage Council of NSW 
heritage-listing-explained-2011.pdf.jpg2011Heritage Listing ExplainedHeritage Council of NSW 
heritage-maintenance-mortars-materials-mixes-methods-guide.pdf.jpg2021Heritage maintenance: Mortars - materials mixes and methodsHeritage Council of NSW; Heritage Council of NSW 
salt-attack-and-rising-damp-guide.pdf.jpg2008Salt Attack and Rising Damp: A Guide to Salt Damp in Historic and Older BuildingsHeritage Council of NSW 
statement-of-best-practice-heritage-conservation-management-plans-2021.pdf.jpg2021Statement of best practice for heritage conservation management plansDepartment of Premier and Cabinet; Heritage Council of NSW 
statement-of-best-practice-heritage-asset-action-plans-2021.pdf.jpg2021Statement of best practice for heritage asset action plansDepartment of Premier and Cabinet; Heritage Council of NSW 
heritage-conservation-management-plan-consultant-model-brief-2021.pdf.jpg2021Heritage conservation management plan consultant model briefDepartment of Premier and Cabinet; Heritage Council of NSW 
guidance-on-developing-a-heritage-conservation-management-plan-2021.pdf.jpg2021Guidance on developing a heritage conservation management planDepartment of Premier and Cabinet; Heritage Council of NSW 
new-south-wales-historical-themes.pdf.jpg2022New South Wales Historical ThemesHeritage Council of NSW 
investigating-heritage-significance-2021.pdf.jpg2022Investigating heritage significanceHeritage Council of NSW 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34