DPI Fisheries [2014 - present] : [11] Collection home page

By 2014, Fisheries NSW became commonly referred to as DPI Fisheries. From 1 April 2017, the name of the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development was changed to the Department of Industry. On 1 July 2019 the Department of Industry was abolished. DPI (and DPI Fisheries) were added to the new Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. Staff from in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment were transferred to Regional NSW on 2 April 2020 and DPI (and DPI Fisheries) were established as a branch within the newly formed department.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide 2018-19.pdf.jpg2018NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide 2018-19Department of Primary Industries; DPI Fisheries 
sw-guide2009.pdf.jpg2009NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide 2009Department of Primary Industries; DPI Fisheries 
NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide 2018-19.pdf.jpg2018NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide 2018-19Department of Primary Industries; DPI Fisheries 
Saltwater-recreational-fishing-guide-2020-21.pdf.jpg2020NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide 2020-21Department of Primary Industries; DPI Fisheries 
NSW-Recreational-Fishing-Guides-Saltwater-2021-22.pdf.jpg2021New South Wales recreational saltwater fishing guide 2021-22Department of Primary Industries; DPI Fisheries 
NSW-Recreational-Fishing-Guide-Freshwater-2024-2025 .pdf.jpg2024New South Wales recreational saltwater fishing guide 2024-2025Department of Primary Industries; DPI Fisheries 
NSW-Recreational-Fishing-Guide-Freshwater-2024-2025 .pdf.jpg2024NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide 2024-2025DPI Fisheries 
basin plan fishi monitoring summary.pdf.jpg2024Basin Plan Fish Monitoring Summary 2014/15 – 2022/23Schilling, Hayden; Crook, David; DPI Fisheries 
BPEOM Round 1 Combined Report.pdf.jpg2023Basin Plan Environmental Outcomes Monitoring for Fish 2014/15 – 2019/20: Water Resource Planning Area ReportsSchilling, Hayden; Crook, David; DPI Fisheries 
An alphabetical list fishes protected under the Fisheries Act of 1902 with remarks on each species.pdf.jpg1905An alphabetical list of the fishes protected under the Fisheries Act of 1902, with remarks on each speciesCox, James C; DPI Fisheries 
RDOC24 57815  Murrumbidgee River Habitat Mapping Report.pdf.jpg2024Murrumbidgee River Habitat Mapping : Investment recommendations for rehabilitation 2024Department of Regional; Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries NSW and Riverina Local Land Services; DPI Fisheries; Riverina Local Land Services 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11