Department of Agriculture and Fisheries [1988-1991] : [8] Collection home page

Due to the increasing importance of fisheries, the Department of Agriculture was renamed the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on 6 May 1988. On 1 July 1991, the Fisheries Division was removed from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and was established as a separate Administrative Office with the title “Office of Fisheries”. The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries reverted to its previous title of the Department of Agriculture. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Annual report NSW Agriculture incorporating NSW Fisheries 1990-1991.pdf.jpg1990Annual Report 1990-91 incorporating NSW Fisheries (NSW Agriculture and Fisheries)Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 
Annual report NSW Agriculture and fisheries 1989-90.pdf.jpg1989NSW Agriculture and Fisheries Annual report 1989-90Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 
Low chill peach and nectarine variety evaluation, 1990.pdf.jpg1990Low chill peach and nectarine variety evaluationMalcom, Peter; Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 
Native trees attractive to flying foxes, 1990.pdf.jpg1990Native trees attractive to flying foxesStace, Peter; Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales; North Coast Region Trees on Farms Program; Forestry Commission of New South Wales; Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 
BCRI SOIL TESTING - Methods and Interpretation 1989.pdf.jpg1989BCRI soil testing : methods and interpretationVimpany, I. A; Abbott, T. S; Biological and Chemical Research Institute (N.S.W.); Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 
Preliminary report on physical, chemical and management considerations for turg production project for T.S.C. sewerage treatment plant Chinderah.pdf.jpg1991Preliminary report on physical, chemical and management considerations for Turf production project for T.S.C Sewerage treatment plant ChinderahSeymor, G. K; Aston, J. B.; McLennan, Gary; Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 
Estuarine Habitat Management Guidelines Division of Fisheries NSW Agriculture and Fisheries Sydney 1991.pdf.jpg1991Estuarine Habitat Management Guidelines Division of Fisheries NSW Agriculture and Fisheries Sydney 1991Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 
Freshwater Habitat Management Guidelines.pdf.jpg1991Freshwater habitat management : guidelinesBurchmore, J. J.; Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8