Agriculture NSW [2011 - 2013] : [4] Collection home page

On 1 July 2011, the establishment of the DPI as a Departmental Office within the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services, led to a department restructure. NSW Agriculture was separated to its own division and renamed to Agriculture NSW. Agriculture NSW’s core activities included research, development, and education for farmers, foresters and agribusiness, fostering business development for agriculture and forestry, and providing advice to government on policy development and potential impacts on the agricultural and forestry sectors.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
dealing-protected-birds-code-practice-consultation-report-240283.pdf.jpg2024Dealing in protected birds draft code of practice consultation reportDepartment of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 
DIPNR_annual_report_2004-05.pdf.jpg2004Annual report 2004-05 (Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources)- 
Knots.pdf.jpg1988KnotsFarm Management Home Study Program (N.S.W.) 
Grapevine-management-guide-2013-14.pdf.jpg2013Grapevine Management Guide 2013-14Cappello, Jason; Agriculture NSW 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 4 of 4