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dc.contributor.authorVerbeek, Birgitte-
dc.descriptionRevision completed by: Members of the Vertebrate Pesticide Training Committee including representatives from Local Land Services, Department of Primary Industries, National Parks and Wildlife Services and Environment Protection Authority.-
dc.publisherNSW Department of Primary Industries. Invasive Species Biosecurity Uniten
dc.relation.ispartofseriesRabbit Inspectors Vertebrate Pest Control Manual;PUB24/144-
dc.subjectvertebrate pest species - NSWen
dc.subjectWild Dog Management - NSWen
dc.titleVertebrate Pesticide Manual 2024en
dc.title.alternativeRabbit Inspectors Vertebrate Pest Control Manualen
dc.contributor.corpauthorDepartment of Regional NSW-
Appears in Collections:Department of Regional NSW [2020 - 2024]

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