Waterways Authority NSW [1995-2001] : [3] Collection home page

The Waterways Authority was established under the Ports Corporatisation and Waterways Management Act 1995 (Act No.13, 1995). The Act received assent on 15 June 1995 and the Waterways Authority became operational from 1 July 1995. The functions of the Waterways Authority were to exercise functions conferred upon it by marine legislation or other statutes of New South Wales including any functions delegated to it by the Minister. Primarily the Authority took on the remaining functions of its predecessor, the Maritime Services Board of New South Wales 1936-1995. On 1 September 2004 the Waterways Authority began trading as 'NSW Maritime' (under the Business Names Act 2002), following the Waterways Review which recommended a restructure of the Waterways Authority. The name was officially changed from the Waterways Authority to the Maritime Authority of NSW from 20 June 2006 by the Statue Law Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2006. From 1 July 2009 when the Ministry of Transport was abolished the Maritime Authority became a branch of the new Principal Department, the Department of Transport and Infrastructure. The name of this department was changed to Transport NSW from 1 July 2010. From 4 April 2011 when the name of Transport NSW was changed the Maritime Authority became a branch of the Department of Transport. The Maritime Authority was abolished on 1 November 2011 by the Transportation Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (Act No.41, 2011) which amended the Ports and Maritime Administration Act 1995 (Act No.13, 1995). The functions of the abolished authority were transferred to Roads and Maritime Services.© State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Waterways Authority Towra Beach Nourishment Project Overview January 2003.pdf.jpg2003Waterways Authority Towra Beach Nourishment Project Overview January 2003Alexander Nielsen; Waterways Authority NSW; SMEC Australia Pty Ltd. 
Towra Beach Nourishment Volume 2 Appendices August 2003_02.pdf.jpg2003Towra Beach Nourishment Volume 2 Appendices August 2003Alexander Nielsen; Waterways Authority NSW; National Parks and Wildlife Service; SMEC Australia Pty Ltd. 
Towra Beach Nourishment Concept Design Final Report Report Number 31169 August 2001.pdf.jpg2001Towra Beach Nourishment Concept Design Final Report Report Number 31169 August 2001Waterways Authority NSW 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 3 of 3