NSW Environmental Trust [1998-2019] : [407] Collection home page

Some documents in the Collection were published prior to 1998 under 'Environmental Trusts' The NSW Environmental Trust was an independent statutory body that supported projects which enhance the environment of New South Wales. The Trust was established under the Environmental Trust Act 1998 (Act No.82, 1998) and administered grants across a diverse range of programs, including contestable grants, major projects, and various NSW Government initiatives. The Trust was under the purview of the Minister for the Environment and the parent department appears to have been the Environmental Protection Authority. The Trust, with the approval of the Minister, was able to arrange for the use of the services of any staff or facilities of a government department or public authority. The Trust was chaired by the NSW Minister for Energy and Heritage, and its members included representatives from Department of Planning and Environment, local government, the Nature Conservation Council and NSW Treasury. The Public Sector Employment and Management (Environment and Conservation) Order 2003 abolished the Environmental Protection Agency as a department and transferred its branches to the Department of Environment and Conservation. (6) From 4 April 2011, the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water was abolished and its functions were transferred to the Principal Department, the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Most of its branches, including the staff of the Environmental Trust, became part of the Office of Environment and Heritage within the Department of Premier and Cabinet. (7) The Office of Environment and Heritage was abolished on 1 July 2019. Those persons employed in the Office of Environment and Heritage, including the staff of the Environmental Trust, were transferred to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 407
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
criticalplants.pdf.jpg-Am I missing critical plant species? - Predicting the likely occurrence of the Leafless Tongue Orchid Cryptostylis hunterianaNSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-restoration-rehabilitation-program-guidelines-210344.pdf.jpg2021Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation 2021 Program GuidelinesDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; NSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-trust-annual-report-2021-210311.pdf.jpg2021NSW Environmental Trust Annual Report 2020-21NSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-trust-annual-report-2019-2020-200352.pdf.jpg2020NSW Environmental Trust Annual Report 2019-20NSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-trust-annual-report-2018-2019-190245.pdf.jpg2019NSW Environmental Trust Annual Report 2018-19NSW Environmental Trust 
monitoring-directory-200511.pdf.jpg2020Monitoring DirectoryDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; NSW Environmental Trust 
good-practices-riparian-rehabilitation-200505.pdf.jpg2020Good practices in riparian rehabilitationDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; NSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-trust-strategic-plan-202024.pdf.jpg2020NSW Environmental Trust Strategic Plan 2020-24NSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-education-grants-program-guidelines-210404.pdf.jpg2021Environmental Education Grants Program Guidelines 2021-22Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; NSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-education-grants-program-develop-application-210405.pdf.jpg2021Environmental Education Grants Program Developing your application guide 2021-22Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; NSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-restoration-rehabilitation-developing-your-application-210343.pdf.jpg2021Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation 2021 Developing your applicationDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; NSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-research-external-manager-role-230118.pdf.jpg2023Tips on working with an External ManagerNSW Environmental Trust 
protecting-our-places-program-sample-letter-external-manager-230058.pdf.jpg2023Role of the external manager tips and informationNSW Environmental Trust; Department of Planning and Environment 
protecting-our-places-grant-program-technical-review-committee-membership-eoi.pdf.jpg2022Protecting Our Places Grant Program Technical Review Committee MembershipDepartment of Planning and Environment; NSW Environmental Trust 
environmental-trust-annual-report-2022-23-230195.pdf.jpg2023NSW Environmental Trust Annual Report 2022-23NSW Environmental Trust 
2021-environmental-trust-annual-report-220334.pdf.jpg2022NSW Environmental Trust Annual Report 2021-22NSW Environmental Trust 
major-projects-grantee-guidelines-220639.pdf.jpg2022Major Projects: Grantee GuidelinesDepartment of Planning and Environment; NSW Environmental Trust 
NSW Environmental Trust Annual Report 2022-23.pdf.jpg2023NSW Environmental Trust Annual Report 2022-23NSW Environmental Trust 
Urban Sustainability Seed Funding Program Final Report Pittwater Education for Sustainability Plan Project No 2007-USS-0006.pdf.jpg2007Urban Sustainability Seed Funding Program Final Report Pittwater Education for Sustainability Plan Project No 2007-USS-0006NSW Environmental Trust; Pittwater Council 
Urban Sustainability Program Urban Sustainability Major Project Grant Business Plan Version 2 - July 2010.pdf.jpg2010Urban Sustainability Program Urban Sustainability Major Project Grant Business Plan Version 2 - July 2010NSW Environmental Trust 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 407