The New South Wales Planning and Environment Commission was constituted by the New South Wales Planning and Environment Commission Act, 1974 (Act No.43, 1974) which also dissolved the State Planning Authority on 18 November 1974. n 1974, the Ministry for Environmental Control was replaced by that of Planning and Environment. The Minister's new portfolio comprised two Commissions: the State Pollution Control Commission (SPCC) and the Planning and Environment Commission. The new Planning and Environment Commission replaced the former State Planning Authority and the Department of the Environment. It was primarily concerned with planning the future environment. "The Act created a governing body of five Commissioners (three full-time and two part-time), and brought the staff of the Commission into the New South Wales Public Service." The Commission assumed office on 18 November 1974. The Commission was concerned with the preparation of new legislation and re-evaluation of the Sydney Region Outline Plan, to cope with increased activity in residential and commercial development and extra responsibilities gained from "the new environmental consciousness." The three major functions of the Commission were planning corporate management, community relations and communications for each of which there was a full-time Commissioner. New legislation was tabled in Parliament in April 1979 and assented to 21 December 1979. The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 (Act No.203, 1979) established the Department of Environment and Planning, and the provisions of the Act took effect from 1 September 1980. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW
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