Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water [2009 -2011] : [290] Collection home page

In 2009 the Department of Environment and Climate Change changed its name to the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water and it became one of thirteen Principal Departments of the Public Service. The Department was responsible to the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment and the Minister for Water. From 4 April 2011 the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water was abolished and its functions were transferred to the Principal Department, the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Most of its branches became part of the Office of Environment and Heritage within the Department of Premier and Cabinet. © State of New South Wales through Museums of History NSW

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 290
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
aboriginal-cultural-heritage-code-of-conduct-240111.pdf.jpg2024Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee – code of conduct- 
20110007LordHoweIslandPomFinal.pdf.jpg2011Lord Howe Island Permanent Park Preserve - Plan of ManagementDepartment of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
SvetEECweb.pdf.jpg2010Semi-evergreen Vine Thicket in the Brigalow Belt South and Nandewar bioregions - Identification guidelines for endangered ecological communitiesDepartment of Enviironment, Climate Change and Water 
10524RobertsonBasaltForestGuidelines.pdf.jpg2010Robertson Basalt Tall Open Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - Identification guidelines for endangered ecological communitiesDepartment of Enviironment, Climate Change and Water 
10519NewEnglandPeppermintGuidelines.pdf.jpg2010New England Peppermint (Eucalyptus nova-anglica) Woodland on Basalts and Sediments in the New England Tableland Bioregion - Identification guidelines for ecological communitiesDepartment of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
10919FuzzyBoxGuidelines.pdf.jpg2010Fuzzy Box Woodland on alluvial soils of the South Western Slopes, Darling Riverine Plains and Brigalow Belt South bioregions - Identification guidelines for Endangered Ecological CommunitiesDepartment of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
10918CarbeenOpenForestGuidelines.pdf.jpg2010Carbeen Open Forest community in the Darling Riverine Plains and Brigalow Belt South bioregions - Identification guidelines for Endangered Ecological CommunitiesDepartment of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
10917BrigalowGuidelines.pdf.jpg2010Brigalow within the Brigalow Belt South, Nandewar and Darling Riverine Plains bioregions - Identification guidelinesDepartment of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
110059-lg-data-0708.pdf.jpg2008NSW Local government waste and resource recovery data report as reported by councils 2007-2008Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
101053-kerbside-audits-addend.pdf.jpg2008Guidelines for Conducting Household Kerbside Residual Waste, Recycling and Garden Organics Audits in NSW Local Government Areas – 2008Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
090357-lg-data-0507pt1.pdf.jpg2005NSW Local Government Watse and Resource Recovery Data Report 2005/06Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
implementationreport20072008.pdf.jpg2008Implementation Report A report prepared as part of the implementation of the NSW forest agreements and integrated forestry operations approvalsDepartment of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
wetlands-gwydir-waterbirds-fish-records-100325.pdf.jpg-Wetlands Gwydir Waterbirds Fish Records 100325- 
gwydir-waterbird-and-fish-habitat-study-100508.pdf.jpg-Gwydir Waterbird And Fish Habitat Study 100508- 
2010-audit-sydney-drinking-water-catchment-volume-2-appendices-10974.pdf.jpg20102010 Audit Sydney Drinking Water Catchment Volume 2 Appendices 10974Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
2010-audit-sydney-drinking-water-catchment-volume-1-main-report-10973.pdf.jpg20102010 Audit Sydney Drinking Water Catchment Volume 1 Main Report 10973Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
nsw-native-vegetation-report-card-july-december-2009.pdf.jpg2009NSW Native Vegetation Report Card July December 2009Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
nsw-native-vegetation-report-card-january-june-2009.pdf.jpg2009NSW Native Vegetation Report Card January June 2009Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
NSW_Annual_Report_on_Native_Vegetation_2009.pdf.jpg2009NSW Annual Report On Native Vegetation 2009Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
Annual_Report_on_Native_Vegetation_2008.pdf.jpg2008Annual Report On Native Vegetation 2008Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 290