National Parks and Wildlife Service [1967-present] : [4184] Collection home page

The National Parks and Wildlife Service was established by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1967 (Act No.35, 1967), but in fact had been formed administratively during the preceding months by the amalgamation of officers formerly attached to the Fauna Protection Panel, and the Parks and Reserve Branch of the Department of Lands,and functioned as a Branch of that Department. On 1 October 1967 the Service assumed an independent existence, with the Director of National Parks and Wildlife directly responsible to the Minister. For a detailed history of the NPWS, see the State of New South Wales Museums of History NSW website:

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 4184
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
EECinfoElderslieBanksiaScrubForest.pdf.jpg2004Elderslie banksia scrub forest - endangered ecological community informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
recoveryplanDraftElaeocarpusWilliamsianus.pdf.jpg2004Recovery plan for Elaeocarpus williamsianus - Draft NSW & National Recovery PlanNational Parks and Wildlife Service; Natural Heritage Trust 
ESBSEia0204.pdf.jpg2004Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoEasternSuburbsBanksiaScrub.pdf.jpg2004Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - Endangered ecological community informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
DFVCEia0104.pdf.jpg2004Duffys Forest Ecological Community - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoDuffysForestEcologicalCommunity.pdf.jpg2004Duffs Forest Ecological Community - endangered ecological community informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
DtenuifoliaEia0502.pdf.jpg2002Dillwynia tenuifolia - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
DtenuifoliaKempsCreekEia0502.pdf.jpg2002Dillwynia tenuifolia Endangered Population Kemps Creek -Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
DbifloraEia0203.pdf.jpg2003Darwinia biflora - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
DaphnandraspcEiaJan05.pdf.jpg2005Daphnandra sp. C ‘Illawarra’ - Environmental Impact Assessment GuidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
CelegansEia1202.pdf.jpg2002Cynanchum elegans - Environmental impact assessment guidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoCumberlandPlainWoodland.pdf.jpg2004Cumberland Plain Woodland - endangered ecological community informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoCooksRiverCastlereaghIronbarkForest.pdf.jpg2004Cooks River/Castlereagh Ironbark Forest - Endangered Ecological Community InformationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoCastlereaghSwampWoodland.pdf.jpg2004Castlereagh Swamp Woodland - Endangered Ecological Community InformationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoBlueGumHighForest.pdf.jpg2004Blue Gum High Forest - Endangered ecological community informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
tsprofileFiveclawedWormskink.pdf.jpg1999Five-clawed Worm-skink - Threatened species informationNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
EECinfoAgnesBanksWoodland.pdf.jpg2004Agnes Banks woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - endangered ecological community profileNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
ApubescensEia0103.pdf.jpg2003Acacia pubescens - Environmental impact assessment guidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
AcluniesrossiaeEia0500.pdf.jpg2000Acacia clunies-rossiae - Environmental impact assessment guidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
AbaueriEia0500.pdf.jpg2000Acacia baueri subsp. aspera - Environmental impact assessment guidelinesNational Parks and Wildlife Service 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 4184