Browsing by Author Lollback, G.

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
northern-tablelands-kangaroo-management-zones-populations-report-2022.pdf.jpg2023A report to the Biodiversity and Conservation Division, New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment on the consultancy: “Design and analysis of helicopter surveys of the kangaroo populations of the Northern Tablelands kangaroo management zones, 2022.”Cairns, S.C.; Bearup, D.; Lollback, G.; Environment and Heritage Group 
helicopter-surveys-kangaroo-populations-central-tablelands-2020.pdf.jpg2020A report to the Biodiversity and Conservation Division, New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on the consultancy: “Design and analysis of helicopter surveys of kangaroo populations in the Central Tablelands North and Central Tablelands South kangaroo management zones, 2020”.Cairns, S.C.; Bearup, D.; Lollback, G.; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
northern-tablelands-kangaroo-management-zones-populations-report-2019.pdf.jpg2020A report to the Biodiversity and Conservation Division, New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on the consultancy: “Design and analysis of helicopter surveys of the kangaroo populations of the Northern Tablelands kangaroo management zones, 2019.”Cairns, S.C.; Bearup, D.; Lollback, G.; Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
south-east-nsw-kangaroo-management-zones-populations-report-2009.pdf.jpg2010A report to the New South Wales Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water on the consultancy: ‘Kangaroo Monitoring: South East NSW Commercial Harvest Zone Redesign and Analysis of Helicopter Survey’.Cairns, S.C.; Bearup, D.; Lollback, G.; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
south-east-nsw-kangaroo-management-zone-interim-2020.pdf.jpg2021A report to the New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on the consultancy: “Design and analysis of helicopter surveys of kangaroo populations in the South East Tablelands kangaroo management zone, 2020”.Lollback, G.; Cairns, S.C; Bearup, D.; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
helicopter-surveys-kangaroo-populations-south-east-nsw-kangaroo-management-zone-2021.pdf.jpg2022A report to the New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on the consultancy: “Design and analysis of helicopter surveys of kangaroo populations in the South East Tablelands kangaroo management zone, 2021”.Cairns, S.C.; Bearup, D.; Lollback, G.; Environment and Heritage Group; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
northern-tablelands-kangaroo-management-zones-populations-report-2011.pdf.jpg2011A report to the New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage on the consultancy: ‘Kangaroo Monitoring: Northern Tablelands Harvest Zones – Redesign and Analysis of Helicopter Survey’.Cairns, S.C.; Bearup, D.; Lollback, G.; Office of Environment and Heritage 
helicopter-surveys-kangaroo-populations-central-tablelands-2017.pdf.jpg2017Report to the New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage on the consultancy: “Design and analysis of helicopter surveys of kangaroo populations in the Central Tablelands North and Central Tablelands South kangaroo management zones, 2017”.Cairns, S.C.; Lollback, G.; Bearup, D.; Office of Environment and Heritage 
central-tablelands-kangaroo-management-zones-populations-report-2014.pdf.jpg2014A report to the New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage on the consultancy: “Design and analysis of helicopter surveys of kangaroo populations in the Central Tablelands North and South management zones, 2014”.Bearup, D.; Cairns, S.C.; Lollback, G.; Office of Environment and Heritage 
helicopter-surveys-kangaroo-populations-south-east-nsw-kangaroo-management-zone-2018 (1).pdf.jpg2019A report to the New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage on the consultancy: “Design and analysis of helicopter surveys of kangaroo populations in the South East NSW kangaroo management zone, 2018”.Cairns, S.C; Bearup, D.; Lollback, G.; Kangaroo Management Advisory Panel; Office of Environment and Heritage 
northern-tablelands-kangaroo-management-zones-populations-report-2016.pdf.jpg2016A report to the New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage on the consultancy: “Design and analysis of helicopter surveys of the kangaroo populations of the Northern Tablelands kangaroo management zones, 2016.”Cairns, S.C.; Bearup, D.; Lollback, G.; Office of Environment and Heritage 
helicopter-surveys-south-east-nsw-kangaroo-management-zone-2013 (2).pdf.jpg2013A report to the Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW) on the contract: ‘Design and analysis of helicopter surveys in the South East New South Wales kangaroo management zone, including the former Bombala Rural Lands Protection Board’.Cairns, S.C.; Bearup, D.; Lollback, G.; Office of Environment and Heritage