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Showing results 1 to 20 of 83  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
2006 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating Coal Services Pty Limited Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg20062006 New South Wales coal industry profile: incorporating the Coal Services Pty Limited statistical supplement.Genders Alan (Ed); Varnum Karen (Ed); Mische Carol (Statistics); Hughes William (Principal Adviser); New South Wales. Department of Primary Industries. Minerals Development; Coal Services Pty Limited; Department of Primary Industries 
2007-2008 NSW Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation Framework October 2007_01.pdf.jpg20082007-2008 NSW Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation Framework October 2007 01Department of Environment and Climate Change; Department of Primary Industries; Department of Planning; NSW lnteragency Biodiversity and Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Working Group 
2008 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating Coal Services Pty Limited Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg20082008 New South Wales coal industry profile incorporating the Coal Services Pty Limited statistical supplement : Statistical information to June 2008Genders Alan; Mische Carol; Hughes William; Coal Services Pty Limited; Department of Primary Industries; Minerals Development 
Abatement-opprtunities-in-NSW.pdf.jpg2020Abatement Opportunities from the Agricultural Sector in New South Wales : Modelling to Support the Development of the Primary Industries Productivity and Abatement ProgramDepartment of Primary Industries 
Accelerated Sydney Rock oyster Breeding Research.pdf.jpg2020Accelerated Sydney Rock Oyster (SRO) breeding researchDepartment of Primary Industries; Fisheries Resource and Development Corporation 
Agricultural-Land-Use-Mapping-Resources-in-NSW-User-s-Guide.pdf.jpg2017Agricultural Land Use Mapping Resources in NSW - User's GuideDepartment of Primary Industries 
Animal Welfare Code of Practice _Breeding Dogs and Cats_-Code-Document.pdf.jpg2021Animal Welfare Code of Practice Breeding Dogs and Cats Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2012Department of Primary Industries 
Annual report 2008-09 Dept of Primary industries.pdf.jpg2009Annual Report 2008-09Department of Primary Industries 
2008Annual Report 2007-08Department of Primary Industries 
saving-our-species-citizen-science-bat-in-backyards-infographic-2023.pdf.jpg2023Bats in Backyards citizen science project: Pilot year resultsDepartment of Planning and Environment; Department of Primary Industries 
Bioavailability Assessment of Endocrine Disrupters in Soil - Sediment Grant Number 2001-RD-G0003 March 31 2007.pdf.jpg2007Bioavailability Assessment of Endocrine Disrupters in Soil - Sediment Grant Number 2001-RD-G0003 March 31 2007NSW Environmental Trust; Department of Primary Industries 
Technical report climate action grant project T07CAG013 boimass pretreatment strategies.pdf.jpg2009Biomass pretreatment strategiesVancov, Tony; Mcintosh, Shane; Department of Primary Industries 
Canola_in_Australia_21st_century_progress_web_300_Legal Deposit Copy.pdf.jpg2023Canola in Australia: 21st century progressAustralian Oilseeds Federation; DPI Agriculture; Department of Primary Industries 
Canopy management strategies for improved and sustainable productivity part 2 completing research and supporting on farm assessment by growers.pdf.jpg2013Canopy management strategies for improved and sustainable productivity completing research and supporting on-farm assessment by growersMcFayden, Lisa; Robertson, David; Olesen, Trevor; Morris, Stephen; Department of Primary Industries 
Canopy management strategies for improved and sustainable productivity Lisa McFayden.pdf.jpg2011Canopy management strategies for improved and sustainable productivity Final reportMcFayden, Lisa; Department of Primary Industries 
Carp in NSW Assessment of Distribution Fishery and Fishing Methods February 2005.pdf.jpg2005Carp in NSW Assessment of Distribution Fishery and Fishing Methods February 2005Department of Primary Industries; Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence 
Catchment-derived stressors and School Prawn productivity.pdf.jpg2019Catchment-derived stressors and school prawn productivityDepartment of Primary Industries; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation 
Silver-Perch-Diseases-Manual.pdf.jpg2010Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the diseases of the Australian freshwater fish silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus)Department of Primary Industries; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation 
Silver-Perch-Diseases-Manual.pdf.jpg2007Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the diseases of the Australian freshwater fish silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus).Read, Phil; Matthew Landos; Stuart J. Rowland; Charlie Mifsud; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation; Department of Primary Industries 
Domestic Waterfront Structures Land Owner’s - BRUNSWICK.pdf.jpg2021Domestic waterfront structures land owner’s consent strategy: Brunswick River estuaryDepartment of Primary Industries; Marine Estate Management Authority