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PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
1973.pdf.jpg197443rd Annual plant disease surveyNew South Wales. Dept. of Agriculture; New South Wales. Department of Agriculture. Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit; Department of Agriculture 
4th Cattle Tick advisory committee meeting at Wollongbar, 1988.pdf.jpg19884th cattle tick advisory committee meeting at WollongbarNSW Agriculture; Department of Agriculture 
Acid sulphate soils farming community ideas about the way forward .pdf.jpg1999Acid sulphate soils : farming community ideas about the way forwardWoodhead, Alice; Department of Agriculture 
Advisory Bulletin 2 Field Guide to Nymphs of Grasshoppers and Locusts in New South Wales May 1984.pdf.jpg1984Advisory Bulletin 2 Field Guide to Nymphs of Grasshoppers and Locusts in New South Wales May 1984Department of Agriculture 
Department of Ag Annual report 2001-02.pdf.jpg2001Annual report NSW Department of Agriculture 2001/02Department of Agriculture 
Department of Ag Annual report 2002-03.pdf.jpg2002Annual report NSW Department of Agriculture 2002/03Department of Agriculture 
Department of Ag Annual report 2003-04.pdf.jpg2003Annual report NSW Department of Agriculture 2003/04Department of Agriculture 
Cattle tick in New South Wales, 1980.pdf.jpg1980Cattle tick in New South WalesCattle Tick Review Committee; Department of Agriculture 
Chilcott's Creek rainforest reminant Plan of management.pdf.jpg1996Chilcott's creek rainforest remnant plan of managementNagle, John; Delaney, Mike; NSW Agriculture. Subtropical Fruit Research Station; EnviTE; Greening Australia (NSW) Inc.; Department of Agriculture 
Citrus field day, 1976.pdf.jpg1976Citrus field dayDepartment of Agriculture 
Cluster packing of bananas, 1936.pdf.jpg1936Cluster packing of bananasEastwood, H. W; Department of Agriculture 
A Code of Practices for the Use of Chlordimeform in Cotton in New South Wales 1 October 1986.pdf.jpg1986A Code of Practices for the Use of Chlordimeform in Cotton in New South Wales 1 October 1986Department of Agriculture 
the coonabarabran and coolah shires district understanding the soils climate crops and livestock of the district.pdf.jpg1981The Coonabarabran and Coolah Shires district : understanding the soils, climate, crops and livestock of the districtOrana and Far Western Region, Dept. of Agriculture, NSW; Freebairn, R. D; Department of Agriculture 
climate soils crops coonabarrabran.pdf.jpg1977The Coonabarabran district : climate, soils, crops, livestock : better decisions from greater understandingFreebairn, R. D; Department of Agriculture 
Ecology of the Cattle Tick (Boophilus microplus) in subtropical Australia III modeling populations on different breeds of cattle.pdf.jpg1988Ecology of the Cattle Tick (Boophilus microplus) in subtropical Australia III modelling populations on different breeds of cattleCSIRO; Department of Agriculture 
Fauna Impact Statement Endangered Fauna Interim Protection Act 1991.pdf.jpg1992Fauna impact statement : Endangered Fauna (Interim Protection) Act 1991 : the impact of vertebrate pest control on endangered fauna in New South WalesNSW Agriculture; Department of Agriculture 
fertiliser a key to proffitable livestock production and sustainable pastures.pdf.jpg2000Fertiliser : a key to profitable livestock production and sustainable pasturesFreebairn, R. D; McDonald, W. J; Watson, Ross; NSW Agriculture. Organic Waste Recycling Unit; Department of Agriculture 
Fertilizers for orchards.pdf.jpg1973Fertilisers for M.I.A orchards : an introductionSproule, R.S.; Davie, P.C; NSW Department of Agriculture; Department of Agriculture 
Fertilizing low chill stonefruit, 1996.pdf.jpg1996Fertilizing low chill stonefruitSlack, J. M; Huett, D. O; George, Alan; Department of Agriculture 
Final Report November 1998 Evaluation of Cost Effective Options for the Remediation of Organochlorine and Arsenic Contaminated.pdf.jpg1998Final Report November 1998 Evaluation of Cost Effective Options for the Remediation of Organochlorine and Arsenic ContaminatedNSW Environmental Trust; Environmental Research Trust; NSW Agriculture; Department of Agriculture