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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Canola_in_Australia_21st_century_progress_web_300_Legal Deposit Copy.pdf.jpg2023Canola in Australia: 21st century progressAustralian Oilseeds Federation; DPI Agriculture; Department of Primary Industries 
SRR22-Harris-cereal-phen-Dirnaseer-+pdf.pdf.jpg2022Cereal phenology and yield responses to sowing time – Dirnaseer 2021Harris, Felicity; Bathgate, Jordan; Pike, Melissa; DPI Agriculture 
SRR21-14-Petty-cotton-covercropping-Yanco-+.pdf.jpg2021Cover cropping in the cotton system to improve infiltration and water holding capacity in red–brown earth soils – Yanco 2019–20Petty, Hayden; Panazzolo, Gabby; Troldahl, David; DPI Agriculture 
SRR20-07-Hart-canola-rem-sense-+.pdf.jpg2020Determining canola physiological maturity with remote sensingHart, Josh; Dunn, Brian; Dawe, Chris; Brill, Rohan; Malcolm, Danielle; DPI Agriculture 
SRR20-08-Malcolm2-canolaSD-+.pdf.jpg2020Effect of sowing date on flowering and grain yield of ten canola varieties in a high yielding environment – Wallendbeen 2019Malcolm, Danielle; Brill, Rohan; Bartlett, Warren; DPI Agriculture 
SRR23_9-Graham Richards pulses Methul 2022-+.pdf.jpg2023Faba bean, chickpea, lupin, lentil and field pea variety experiments – Methul 2022Graham, Neroli; Richards, Mark; Simpson, Jessica; Moore, Karl; DPI Agriculture 
SRR23_7-Graham Richards pulses Wagga 2022-+.pdf.jpg2023Faba bean, chickpea, lupin, lentil, field pea and vetch variety experiments –Wagga Wagga 2022Graham, Neroli; Richards, Mark; Simpson, Jessica; Moore, Karl; DPI Agriculture 
5-tips-v-final-accessible-8dec23.pdf.jpg2023Five tips for growing high-vigour canola seedDPI Agriculture; Department of Primary Industries 
SRR21-04-Uppal-canola-frost-+.pdf.jpg2021Frost damage identification in canola – symptoms and risk assessmentUppal, Rajneet; DPI Agriculture 
grapevine-management-guide-2014-15.pdf.jpg2014Grapevine Management Guide 2014-15Fahey, Darren; DPI Agriculture; Department of Primary Industries 
grapevine-management-guide-2015-16.pdf.jpg2015Grapevine Management Guide 2015-16Fahey, Darren; Department of Primary Industries; DPI Agriculture 
grapevine-management-guide-201617.pdf.jpg2016Grapevine Management Guide 2016-17Fahey, Darren; Department of Primary Industries; DPI Agriculture 
grapevine-management-guide-2017-18.pdf.jpg2017Grapevine Management Guide 2017-18Fahey, Darren; DPI Agriculture; Department of Primary Industries 
Grapevine-management-guide-2018-19.pdf.jpg2018Grapevine Management Guide 2018–19Fahey, Darren; Englefield, Adrian; DPI Agriculture; Department of Primary Industries 
grapevine-management-guide-2019-20.pdf.jpg2019Grapevine Management Guide 2019-20Fahey, Darren; Englefield, Adrian; Department of Primary Industries; DPI Agriculture 
Grapevine-management-guide-2020-21.pdf.jpg2020Grapevine management guide 2020-2021Fahey, Darren; DPI Agriculture; Department of Primary Industries 
Grapevine-management-guide-2021-22.pdf.jpg2021Grapevine management guide 2021-22Fahey, Darren; Dunne, Katie; Jarrett, Maggie; Department of Primary Industries; DPI Agriculture 
Grapevine-management-guide-2022-23.pdf.jpg2022Grapevine management guide 2022-2023Fahey, Darren; Dunne, Katie; Jarrett, Maggie; DPI Agriculture; Department of Primary Industries 
Grapevine-management-guide-2023-24.pdf.jpg2023Grapevine Management Guide 2023-2024Fahey, Darren; Dunne, Katie; Jarrett, Maggie; DPI Agriculture; Department of Primary Industries 
Grapevine-management-guide-2024-25.pdf.jpg2024Grapevine management guide 2024-25Flannery, Penny; Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; DPI Agriculture