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PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Assessment and Prediction of the Nutritional Quality of Eucalypt Foliage for Koalas October 1992.pdf.jpg1992Assessment and Prediction of the Nutritional Quality of Eucalypt Foliage for Koalas October 1992CSIRO 
Audit of the Hydrological Catchments of Sydney Final Report December 1999.pdf.jpg1999Audit of the Hydrological Catchments of Sydney Final Report December 1999CSIRO; Sydney Catchment Authority 
Audit of the Sydney Drinking Water Supply Catchments November 2002.pdf.jpg2002Audit of the Sydney Drinking Water Supply Catchments November 2002CSIRO; Sydney Catchment Authority 
Chemical and Physical Characterisation of Atmospheric Fine Particles in Sydney Report No ET-IR 877 August 2007.pdf.jpg2007Chemical and Physical Characterisation of Atmospheric Fine Particles in Sydney Report No ET-IR 877 August 2007CSIRO 
Chemical and Physical Characterisation of Motor Vehicle Atmospheric Fine Particle Emissions Draft Final Report 2007-RD-0014.pdf.jpg2007Chemical and Physical Characterisation of Motor Vehicle Atmospheric Fine Particle Emissions Draft Final Report 2007-RD-0014CSIRO 
Conservation Hindered the Impact of Local Government Rates and State Land Taxes on the Conservation Research Report 3-99.pdf.jpg-Conservation Hindered the Impact of Local Government Rates and State Land Taxes on the Conservation Research Report 3-99CSIRO 
The Conservation Value of Regrowth Native Plant Communities a Review Final Report December 1998.pdf.jpg1998The Conservation Value of Regrowth Native Plant Communities a Review Final Report December 1998CSIRO; Division of Wildlife and Ecology 
Do NSW Biosolids Guidelines Permit Harm to Soils and Food Production Final Report CSIRO November 2009.pdf.jpg2009Do NSW Biosolids Guidelines Permit Harm to Soils and Food Production Final Report CSIRO November 2009CSIRO 
Ecological Management of Lakebed Cropping September 1994.pdf.jpg1994Ecological Management of Lakebed Cropping September 1994National Parks and Wildlife Service; CSIRO 
Ecological Theory and Biological Management of Ecosystems Occasional Paper No 1-88 June 1988.pdf.jpg1988Ecological Theory and Biological Management of Ecosystems Occasional Paper No 1-88 June 1988CSIRO 
Ecology of the Cattle Tick (Boophilus microplus) in subtropical Australia III modeling populations on different breeds of cattle.pdf.jpg1988Ecology of the Cattle Tick (Boophilus microplus) in subtropical Australia III modelling populations on different breeds of cattleCSIRO; Department of Agriculture 
Economic and Administrative Influences on Kangaroo Management in NSW Final Report December 1985.pdf.jpg1985Economic and Administrative Influences on Kangaroo Management in NSW Final Report December 1985CSIRO 
An Economic and Social Survey of Licensed Kangaroo Trappers and Chiller Operators July 1984 Volume 1.pdf.jpg1984An Economic and Social Survey of Licensed Kangaroo Trappers and Chiller Operators July 1984 Volume 1CSIRO 
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the Australian Riverine Environment a Pilot Study on Estrogenic Compounds November 2007.pdf.jpg2007Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the Australian Riverine Environment a Pilot Study on Estrogenic Compounds November 2007CSIRO 
Fine Resolution Climate Change Scenarios for New South Wales Annual Report 1997-98.pdf.jpg1998Fine resolution climate change scenarios for New South Wales : annual report 1997-98Hennessy, Kevin J.; CSIRO; Environment Protection Authority 
grazing-factor-maintenance-catchment-values-australian-alps-1958.pdf.jpg1957The Grazing Factor and the Maintenance of Catchment Values in the Australian AlpsA. B. Costin; CSIRO 
Guidelines for Managing Cropping on Lakes in the Murray-Darling Basin June 1997.pdf.jpg1997Guidelines for Managing Cropping on Lakes in the Murray-Darling Basin June 1997National Parks and Wildlife Service; CSIRO 
Habitat Structure and Condition of Vegetation Remnants Within the Mid-Talbragar Catchment Indicators of Biodiversity August 2001.pdf.jpg2001Habitat Structure and Condition of Vegetation Remnants Within the Mid-Talbragar Catchment Indicators of Biodiversity August 2001CSIRO; National Parks and Wildlife Service 
Improved Approaches to Sediment Quality Assessment Final Report 22003-RD-G0002.pdf.jpg2003Improved Approaches to Sediment Quality Assessment Final Report 22003-RD-G0002CSIRO 
Kosciusko Vegetation Data Attributes and Suitability for Analysis and Modelling November 1993.pdf.jpg1993Kosciusko Vegetation Data Attributes and Suitability for Analysis and Modelling November 1993CSIRO; National Parks and Wildlife Service