Browsing by Author State Pollution Control Commission

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Showing results 137 to 156 of 444 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Factors Influencing the Uptake and Release of Heavy Metal Ions by Clays and Sediments Report for State Pollution Control 1978.pdf.jpg1978Factors Influencing the Uptake and Release of Heavy Metal Ions by Clays and Sediments Report for State Pollution Control 1978State Pollution Control Commission 
Field Measurement of Road Traffic Noise Shielding Provided by Building and Building Elements 1978.pdf.jpg1978Field Measurement of Road Traffic Noise Shielding Provided by Building and Building Elements 1978State Pollution Control Commission 
Flueless Gas Heaters in Schools 1990 Study Overview Report February 1991.pdf.jpg1991Flueless Gas Heaters in Schools 1990 Study Overview Report February 1991State Pollution Control Commission 
Fluoride Concentrations and Injury Indicators on Kooragang Island New South Wales Technical Report No 2 November 1980.pdf.jpg1980Fluoride Concentrations and Injury Indicators on Kooragang Island New South Wales Technical Report No 2 November 1980State Pollution Control Commission 
Freedom of Information Statement of Affairs June 1990.pdf.jpg1990Freedom of Information Statement of Affairs June 1990State Pollution Control Commission 
Fruit Bats and Stone Fruit Losses in the Hills District February 1986.pdf.jpg1986Fruit Bats and Stone Fruit Losses in the Hills District February 1986State Pollution Control Commission 
Funding Options and Future Direction for the Litter Reduction Campaign November 1986.pdf.jpg1986Funding Options and Future Direction for the Litter Reduction Campaign November 1986State Pollution Control Commission 
Funding Options and Future Direction for the Litter Reduction Campaign Report 22 May 1987.pdf.jpg1987Funding Options and Future Direction for the Litter Reduction Campaign Report 22 May 1987State Pollution Control Commission 
Future Motor Vehicle Noise in New South Wales - a Discussion Paper MV-N-41-6 September 1987.pdf.jpg1987Future Motor Vehicle Noise in New South Wales - a Discussion Paper MV-N-41-6 September 1987State Pollution Control Commission 
Georges River Reborn a Supplement to Environmental Bulletin 2 Pollution Control in Sydney's Waterways.pdf.jpg1987Georges River reborn: a supplement to Environmental Bulletin 2 - Pollution control in Sydney's waterwaysState Pollution Control Commission 
The Greens and the Grimes a Pollution Colouring Story.pdf.jpg-The Greens and the Grimes a Pollution Colouring StoryState Pollution Control Commission 
Guidelines for Controlling Oil Spills in Maritime Waters of New South Wales October 1981.pdf.jpg1981Guidelines for Controlling Oil Spills in Maritime Waters of New South Wales October 1981State Pollution Control Commission 
Guidelines for Landfill Disposal of Industrial Wastes in New South Wales Environmental Guide Wd-3 26 February 1988.pdf.jpg1988Guidelines for Landfill Disposal of Industrial Wastes in New South Wales Environmental Guide Wd-3 26 February 1988State Pollution Control Commission 
Guidelines for Nutrient Removal June 1986.pdf.jpg1986Guidelines for Nutrient Removal June 1986State Pollution Control Commission 
Guidelines for Service Station Operators Let's Clear the Air With Unleaded Petrol May 1985.pdf.jpg1985Guidelines for Service Station Operators Let's Clear the Air With Unleaded Petrol May 1985State Pollution Control Commission 
Guidelines for the Commercial User for the Disposal of Surplus Pesticides Containers Spray and Spills 1987.pdf.jpg1987Guidelines for the Commercial User for the Disposal of Surplus Pesticides Containers Spray and Spills 1987State Pollution Control Commission 
Guidelines for the Home Occupier for the Disposal of Surplus Pesticides Herbicides and the Like Containers Spray and Spills 1987.pdf.jpg1987Guidelines for the Home Occupier for the Disposal of Surplus Pesticides Herbicides and the Like Containers Spray and Spills 1987State Pollution Control Commission 
Guidelines for Visual Assessment and Management of Coastal Landscapes February 1981.pdf.jpg1981Guidelines for Visual Assessment and Management of Coastal Landscapes February 1981State Pollution Control Commission 
Handbook of Pollution Control in New South Wales June 1981.pdf.jpg1981Handbook of Pollution Control in New South Wales June 1981State Pollution Control Commission 
Hawkesbury River Wetlands Study 1979.pdf.jpg1979Hawkesbury River Wetlands Study 1979State Pollution Control Commission