Browsing by Author Environment, Energy and Science

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Showing results 238 to 257 of 1177 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
regent-honeyeater-on-the-edge-teacher-resource-200039.pdf.jpg2020Regent Honeyeater: On the EdgeDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
report-lake-brewster-pelican-190609.pdf.jpg2020Report a Lake Brewster pelicanDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
flying-foxes-commercial-crop-damage-annual-report-190720.pdf.jpg2019Report on Commercial Crop Damage by Flying-foxesDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
review-management-deceased-whales-190532.pdf.jpg2019Review into the management of deceased whales in NSWDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
rivers-sharing-our-water-student-workbook-200311.pdf.jpg2020Rivers: Sharing our waterDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
rivers-sharing-our-water-teacher-resource-200310.pdf.jpg2020Rivers: Sharing our waterDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
sanitary-inspection-paperbase-plus-determination-beach-suitability-grade-200200.pdf.jpg2020Sanitary inspection paperbase plus determination of Beach Suitability GradeDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
saving-our-species-annual-report-2016-17-190293.pdf.jpg2019Saving our Species Annual Report 2016-17Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
saving-our-species-annual-report-2018-19-200085.pdf.jpg2020Saving our Species Annual Report 2018-19Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
saving-our-species-framework-data-deficient-species-190660.pdf.jpg2019Saving our Species Framework for data-deficient speciesDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
saving-our-species-framework-keep-watch-species-190661.pdf.jpg2019Saving our Species Framework for keep watch speciesDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
saving-our-species-framework-partnership-species-190662.pdf.jpg2019Saving our Species Framework for partnership speciesDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
saving-our-species-year-in-review-2019-20-210087.pdf.jpg2021Saving our Species Year in Review 2019-20Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
saving-our-threatened-woodland-birds-190292.pdf.jpg2019Saving our threatened woodland birdsDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
sea-turtle-sea-snake-rehabilitation-training-standards-210252.pdf.jpg2021Sea Turtle and Sea Snake Rehabilitation Training StandardsDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
sea-turtle-sea-snake-rehabilitation-trainers-guide-210253.pdf.jpg2021Sea Turtle and Sea Snake Rehabilitation Training Standards for the Volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitation Sector Trainers' GuideDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
setting-targets-monitoring-vegetation-cover-190674.pdf.jpg2020Setting targets for National Landcare Program monitoring and reporting vegetation cover for AustraliaDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
soil-and-land-resource-mapping-for-the-western-sydney-aerotropolis-area-210341.pdf.jpg2021Soil and land resource mapping for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis areaDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
factsheet-soil-hillslope-erosion-modelling200064.pdf.jpg2020Soil hillslope erosion modellingDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
acacia-dangarensis-acacia-dangarensis-2020-21.PDF.jpg2020SoS Annual Report Card_acacia dangarensis acacia dangarensis_2020-21Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science