Browsing by Author Environment, Energy and Science

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Showing results 20 to 39 of 1177 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
annual-environmental-watering-priorities-2019-20-barwon-darling-190286.pdf.jpg2019Barwon Darling riversDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
barwon-darling-long-term-water-plan-part-a-200112.pdf.jpg2020Barwon-Darling Long-Term Water Plan Part ADepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
barwon-darling-long-term-water-plan-part-b-planning-units-200113.pdf.jpg2020Barwon-Darling Long-Term Water Plan Part B: Barwon-Darling planning unitsDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
water-for-the-environment-annual-priorities-2021-22-barwon-darling-210289.pdf.jpg2021Barwon-Darling RiversDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
annual-environmental-watering-priorities-2020-21-barwon-darling-200334.pdf.jpg2020Barwon-Darling riversDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
bega-wattle-acacia-georgensis-201819-survey-190464.pdf.jpg2019Bega Wattle (Acacia georgensis)Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
koalas-in-scientific-research-best-practice-guidelines-200387.pdf.jpg2020Best Practice Guidelines for the use of Koalas in Scientific ResearchDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
biodiversity-assessment-method-2020-200438.pdf.jpg2020Biodiversity Assessment Method 2020Department of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
biodiversity-assessment-method-2020-whats-new-fact-sheet-200264.pdf.jpg2020Biodiversity Assessment Method 2020 - What's newDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
biodiversity-assessment-method-2020-operational-manual-stage-1-220279.pdf.jpg2022Biodiversity Assessment Method 2020 Operational Manual - Stage 1Department of Planning and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
biodiversity-assessment-method-2020-operational-manual-stage-3-200584.pdf.jpg2020Biodiversity Assessment Method 2020 Operational Manual - Stage 3Department of Planning, industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
biodiversity-credits-market-sales-dashboard-user-guide-220288.pdf.jpg2022Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard: User GuideDepartment of Planning and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
biodiversity-outlook-report-first-assessment-200621.pdf.jpg2020Biodiversity Outlook ReportDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
2022BioNet Archive Plant Community Type data pre C1.1Department of Planning and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science; Environment, Energy and Science 
2023BioNet Atlas Fauna Survey upload datasheetDepartment of Planning and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
2023BioNet Atlas Flora Survey upload datasheetDepartment of Planning and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
2023BioNet Atlas Species Sightings upload datasheetDepartment of Planning and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
2022BioNet Native Species by Growth Form dataDepartment of Planning and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
2022BioNet NSW Landscapes dataDepartment of Planning and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science 
bionet-nsw-landscapes-web-service-data-standard-200165.pdf.jpg2020BioNet NSW Landscapes Web Service data standardDepartment of Planning, Industry and Environment; Environment, Energy and Science