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Showing results 259 to 278 of 380 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
New South Wales Australia the Minerals Investment Advantage.pdf.jpg-New South Wales Australia the minerals investment advantageDepartment of Mineral Resources 
New South Wales Coal Industry Profile 1986.pdf.jpg1986New South Wales Coal Industry Profile 1986Department of Mineral Resources 
1994 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating Joint Coal Board Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg1994New South Wales coal industry profile 1994Joint Coal Board; Department of Mineral Resources 
1995 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating Joint Coal Board Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg1995New South Wales coal industry profile 1995Department of Mineral Resources; Joint Coal Board 
1997 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating Joint Coal Board Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg1997New South Wales coal industry profile 1997Joint Coal Board; Department of Mineral Resources 
1999 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating the Joint Coal Board Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg1999New South Wales coal industry profile 1999Department of Mineral Resources; Joint Coal Board 
2000 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating the Joint Coal Board Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg2000New South Wales coal industry profile 2000Joint Coal Board; Department of Mineral Resources 
2001 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating the Joint Coal Board Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg2001New South Wales coal industry profile 2001Department of Mineral Resources; Joint Coal Board 
2002 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating the Coal Services Pty Limited Formerly Joint Coal Board Statistical.pdf.jpg2002New South Wales coal industry profile 2002Joint Coal Board; Department of Mineral Resources 
2003 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating the Coal Services Pty Limited Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg2003New South Wales coal industry profile 2003Department of Mineral Resources; Joint Coal Board 
2004 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating the Coal Services Pty Limited Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg2004New South Wales coal industry profile 2004Department of Mineral Resources; Joint Coal Board 
2005 New South Wales Coal Industry Profile Incorporating the Coal Services Pty Limited Statistical Supplement.pdf.jpg2005New South Wales coal industry profile 2005Department of Mineral Resources 
New South Wales Coal Resources and Reserves.pdf.jpg1986New South Wales coal resources and reservesSniffin, M; Beckett, J; Sayers, P; Joint Coal Board (Australia and New South Wales); Department of Mineral Resources 
New South Wales Coal Resources and Reserves.pdf.jpg1986New South Wales coal resources and reservesSayers, P; Sniffin, M; Beckett, J; Department of Mineral Resources; Joint Coal Board (Australia and New South Wales); Joint Coal Board 
New South Wales Coal Seam Methane Potential.pdf.jpg-New South Wales coal seam methane potentialExploration NSW; Department of Mineral Resources 
New South Wales Coal Strategy 1981 - Appendix C Coal Transport in NSW.pdf.jpg1981New South Wales Coal Strategy 1981 - Appendix C Coal Transport in NSWG. P. Mattila; New South Wales. Coal Resources Development Committee Broken Hill Proprietary Company; THE B.H.P. CO. LTD.; Department of Mineral Resources 
New South Wales Coal Strategy 1981.pdf.jpg1981New South Wales coal strategy 1981 : report prepared for the New South Wales governmentDepartment of Mineral Resources; New South Wales. - Coal Resources Development Committee 
New South Wales Coal Strategy Study 1983 Volume 1 Strategic Plan.pdf.jpg1983New South Wales Coal Strategy Study 1983 Volume 1 Strategic PlanCoal Resources Development Committee; Department of Mineral Resources 
New South Wales Department of Mineral Resources 1988 Annual Report.pdf.jpg1988New South Wales Department of Mineral Resources 1988 Annual ReportDepartment of Mineral Resources 
New South Wales Metallic Minerals Mine Dossier 30 June 1987.pdf.jpg1987New South Wales Metallic Minerals Mine Dossier 30 June 1987R. G. Hirst; Department of Mineral Resources