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Showing results 78 to 97 of 380 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
East Bargo Coal Development Area Evaluation of Coal Resources April 1982.pdf.jpg1982East Bargo Coal Development Area Evaluation of Coal Resources April 1982B. Agrali; Department of Mineral Resources 
Effects of Land Use on Coal Resources Report Prepared by a Working Party of the Coal Resource Development Committee.pdf.jpg1994Effects of Land Use on Coal Resources Report Prepared by a Working Party of the Coal Resource Development CommitteeCoal Resources Development Committee; Department of Mineral Resources 
Electric Shock Prevention Project Final Report.pdf.jpg2003Electric shock prevention project, final report.Department of Mineral Resources 
Electrical engineering safety seminar, Friday 25th August, 1995, Castlereagh Cinema Penrith Panthers Leagues Club, Mulgoa Road, Penrith..pdf.jpg1995Electrical engineering for core hazards in coal minesDepartment of Mineral Resources; Coal Mining Inspectorate and Engineering Branch 
Electrical Technical Reference for the Approval of Power Winding Systems MDG 2005 February 2003.pdf.jpg2003Electrical Technical Reference for the Approval of Power Winding Systems MDG 2005 February 2003Mine Safety and Environment Division; Department of Mineral Resources 
Environmental Audit of Pinnacles Mine Broken Hill 10 April 2000.pdf.jpg2000Environmental Audit of Pinnacles Mine Broken Hill 10 April 2000Greg Kininmonth, Richard Johnson, Silvana Deluca.; Department of Mineral Resources 
Environmental Excellence in Mining Proceedings of the Joint Coal and Minerals Environmental Seminar 6-7 June 1994.pdf.jpg1994Environmental Excellence in Mining Proceedings of the Joint Coal and Minerals Environmental Seminar 6-7 June 1994Department of Mineral Resources 
Excursion Guide Precious Metal-antimony Mineralization Dorrigo-Coffs Harbour 1 250000 Sheet Area.pdf.jpg1986Excursion Guide Precious Metal-antimony Mineralization Dorrigo-Coffs Harbour 1 250000 Sheet AreaDepartment of Mineral Resources 
Explanatory Notes Cootamundra 1 250 000 Geological Sheet Sl-55-11.pdf.jpg1995Explanatory Notes Cootamundra 1 250 000 Geological Sheet Sl-55-11Raphael, N. M Warren, A. Y. E Gilligan, L. B; Department of Mineral Resources 
1994Exploration reporting : a guide for reporting on mineral exploration and prospecting in New South WalesDepartment of Mineral Resources 
Exploration Reporting a Guide for Reporting on Mineral Exploration and Prospecting in New South Wales_02.pdf.jpg2001Exploration reporting : a guide for reporting on mineral exploration and prospecting in New South WalesDepartment of Mineral Resources 
Exploration Reporting a Guide for Reporting on Mineral Exploration and Prospecting in New South Wales_01.pdf.jpg-Exploration Reporting a Guide for Reporting on Mineral Exploration and Prospecting in New South Wales 01Department of Mineral Resources 
Exploration Towards 2000 a Seminar to Be Held at the Masonic Centre Castlereagh St on 20th September 1985.pdf.jpg2000Exploration Towards 2000 a Seminar to Be Held at the Masonic Centre Castlereagh St on 20th September 1985Department of Mineral Resources 
Extended Abstracts From Seminar on Tertiary Volcanics and Sapphires in the New England District.pdf.jpg1987Extended abstracts from Seminar on tertiary volcanics and sapphires in the New England district.Department of Mineral Resources 
Facilitating the Development of Natural Gas in Northeastern New South Wales Executive Summary February 2004.pdf.jpg2004Facilitating the Development of Natural Gas in Northeastern New South Wales Executive Summary February 2004Department of Mineral Resources 
Feeder Breakers Underground Coal Mines MDG No 31 Revised August 1998.pdf.jpg1998Feeder Breakers Underground Coal Mines MDG No 31 Revised August 1998Department of Mineral Resources 
Field Excursion Handbook Stratigraphy and Mineralization of the Broken Hill Block.pdf.jpg1981Field excursion handbook : stratigraphy and mineralization of the Broken Hill blockBradley, G. M; Department of Mineral Resources; Geological Survey of NSW 
Field Geology of New South Wales 2000.pdf.jpg2000Field Geology of New South Wales 2000Department of Mineral Resources 
First Aid in NSW Coal Mines Guideline for the Management of Acute Workplace Injury and Illness MDG No 1016 October 1998_01.pdf.jpg1998First Aid in NSW Coal Mines Guideline for the Management of Acute Workplace Injury and Illness MDG No 1016 October 1998 01Department of Mineral Resources 
First Aid in NSW Coal Mines Guideline for the Management of Acute Workplace Injury and Illness MDG No 1016 October 1998_02.pdf.jpg1998First Aid in NSW Coal Mines Guideline for the Management of Acute Workplace Injury and Illness MDG No 1016 October 1998 02Department of Mineral Resources