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Showing results 32 to 51 of 380 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Be Aware Be Safe a Safety Booklet to Understand and Implement Mining Legislation Verification.pdf.jpg2002Be aware Be safe verificationDepartment of Mineral Resources 
Black Sands and Brown Maters - A Hydrochemical View of the Mineral Sands Mining Areas of the New South Wales Coast.pdf.jpg1984Black Sands and Brown Maters - A Hydrochemical View of the Mineral Sands Mining Areas of the New South Wales CoastM. Johnson; Department of Mineral Resources 
Broke Drilling Programme Geological Report Volume 1 - Text Geological Survey Report No GS 1999-277 June 1999.pdf.jpg1999Broke Drilling Programme Geological Report Volume 1 - Text Geological Survey Report No GS 1999-277 June 1999Coal and Petroleum Geology Branch; Stevenson, Darryl; Geological Survey of New South Wales; Department of Mineral Resources 
Broken Hill 100 Years of Mining.pdf.jpg1983Broken Hill : 100 years of miningKoenig, Kay; Department of Mineral Resources; Geological and Mining Museum 
Bulletin 1 New South Wales Petroleum Potential April 1995.pdf.jpg1995Bulletin 1 New South Wales Petroleum Potential April 1995Stewart, J. R Alder, David; Coal and Petroleum Geology Branch; Department of Mineral Resources 
Bulletin of the Coalfield Geology Council of New South Wales Bulletin No 1 May 1999.pdf.jpg1999Bulletin of the Coalfield Geology Council of New South Wales Bulletin No 1 May 1999Coalfield Geology Council of New South Wales; Department of Mineral Resources 
Byron Shire Geological and Mineral Resource Factors for the Local Environmental Plan Geological Survey Report No GS1987-218 Sept 1987.pdf.jpg1987Byron Shire, geological and mineral resource factors for the local environment planR.G. Barnes, W.S. Chesnut, J.W. Brownlow, I. Paterson, J. Hann, G. Unwin & R.G. Cameron.; Department of Mineral Resources; Geological Survey of NSW 
Camden Coal Bed Methane Project Geotechnical Impact Assessment Cawdor 5 December 2001.pdf.jpg2001Camden Coal Bed Methane Project Geotechnical Impact Assessment Cawdor 5 December 2001Coffey Geosciences Pty Ltd; Department of Mineral Resources 
Captain's Flat Results of Analysis of Soil Samples From Rehabilitated Dumps Report No 85-19 May 1985.pdf.jpg1985Captain's Flat: results of analysis of soil samples from rehabilitated dumpsSoil Conservation Service of NSW; Department of Mineral Resources 
Chemical Laboratory Branch Report on the Visit to Australia of MME November-December 1980 Chemical Laboratory Report 81-4.pdf.jpg1981Chemical Laboratory Branch Report on the Visit to Australia of MME November-December 1980 Chemical Laboratory Report 81-4C. Ellis; Department of Mineral Resources; Chemical Laboratory Branch 
Clarence Colliery Coal Refuse Emplacement Seepage Waters Survey Chemical Laboratory Report 84-4 January 1984.pdf.jpg1984Clarence Colliery Coal Refuse Emplacement Seepage Waters SurveyJohnson. M; Department of Mineral Resources 
Coal in New South Wales.pdf.jpg2006Coal and shale mining non-fatal accidents, New South Wales, 1876-1920 : extracted from annual reports of the Department of Mines, and examples from other sourcesSheehan, Elaine; NSW Minerals Council; Department of Mineral Resources 
Coal in New South Wales Industry Profile 1984.pdf.jpg1984Coal in New South Wales Industry Profile 1984Department of Mineral Resources; Joint Coal Board 
Department of Mineral Resources New South Wales Chemical Laboratory Branch_03.pdf.jpg1981Coal Liquefaction Batch Autoclave StudiesChemical Laboratory Branch; Department of Mineral Resources 
Department of Mineral Resources New South Wales Chemical Laboratory Branch_01.pdf.jpg1982Coal liquefaction product analysis, Vol.1J.J. Hobbs; Chemical Laboratory Branch; Department of Mineral Resources 
Coal Mining Inspectorate and Engineering Branch Summary of Mine Winder and Shaft Incidents in NSW Coal Mines 1984-1994 MDG 3004 SR95-1.pdf.jpg1994Coal Mining Inspectorate and Engineering Branch Summary of Mine Winder and Shaft Incidents in NSW Coal Mines 1984-1994 MDG 3004 SR95-1Department of Mineral Resources; Coal Mining Inspectorate and Engineering Branch 
Coal Reject Disposal in the Southern Coalfields.pdf.jpg1983Coal reject disposal in the southern coalfields : report to the Coal Resource Development Committee, May 1983New South Wales. - Coal Resource Development Committee; New South Wales. Dept. of Mineral Resources; Department of Mineral Resources 
Coal Resource Audit of the Gunnedah Basin Coal Audit No 1 1996.pdf.jpg1996Coal Resource Audit of the Gunnedah Basin Coal Audit No 1 1996Wiles, Leslie; Coal and Petroleum Geology Branch; Department of Mineral Resources; Coal and Petroleum Geology Branch 
Coal Seam Gas Content and Composition Investigation of Methods of Measurement Chemical Laboratory Report 83-18 August 1983.pdf.jpg1983Coal Seam Gas Content and Composition Investigation of Methods of MeasurementC.W. Ellicott; Chemical Laboratory Branch; Department of Mineral Resources 
Coal Seam Methane April 1992.pdf.jpg1992Coal seam methaneDepartment of Mineral Resources; Methane Drainage Task Force (N.S.W.); Office of Energy