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Showing results 16 to 35 of 380 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitle / NameAuthor(s)
Abstract of the Mines Inspection Act 1901 General Rule 2000 Mines Inspection Regulation 1999.pdf.jpg2000Abstract of the Mines Inspection Act 1901, [Mines Inspection]General Rule 2000,[and] Mines Inspection Regulation 1999.Department of Mineral Resources 
Analyses of Waters From Maitland Main Colliery Cessnock Chemical Laboratory Report 84-3 January 1984.pdf.jpg1984Analyses of Waters From Maitland Main Colliery Cessnock ChemicalJohnson M; Department of Mineral Resources 
Analysis of Accidents From Roof Bolting Practices in New South Wales Underground Coal Mines Report No 291250 January 1992.pdf.jpg1992Analysis of accidents from roof bolting practices in New South Wales underground coal minesIndustrial Risk Management; New South Wales Coal Association. Roof Bolting Working Party; Coal association; Department of Mineral Resources 
Analysis of Accidents From Strata Movements in Pillar Extraction in New South Wales Coal Mines Report No 290184 December 1991.pdf.jpg1991Analysis of Accidents From Strata Movements in Pillar Extraction in New South Wales Coal Mines Report No 290184 December 1991Department of Mineral Resources 
Annual Report by the Chief Inspector of Mines Year Ended 30 June 1987 Section 40 Mines Inspection Act 1901.pdf.jpg1987Annual Report by the Chief Inspector of Mines Year Ended 30 June 1987 Section 40 Mines Inspection Act 1901Mines Inspection Branch; Department of Mineral Resources 
Annual Report for the Chief Inspector of Coal Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1985.pdf.jpg1985Annual Report for the Chief Inspector of Coal Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1985Department of Mineral Resources; Chief Inspector of Coal Mines 
Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal and Shale Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1980.pdf.jpg1980Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal and Shale Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1980Department of Mineral Resources 
Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal and Shale Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1981.pdf.jpg1981Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal and Shale Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1981Department of Mineral Resources 
Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal and Shale Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1983.pdf.jpg1983Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal and Shale Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1983Department of Mineral Resources 
Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1986.pdf.jpg1986Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1986Department of Mineral Resources; Chief Inspector of Coal Mines 
Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1987.pdf.jpg1987Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Coal Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1987Coalfields Inspection Branch; Department of Industrial Relations; Department of Mineral Resources 
Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Metalliferous Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1980.pdf.jpg1980Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Metalliferous Mines for the Year Ended 30th June 1980Department of Mineral Resources 
Annual Summary of Reportable Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences at Coal Mines July 1997 Through June 1998 MDG 3003 SRA 97-98.pdf.jpg1998Annual Summary of Reportable Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences at Coal Mines July 1997 Through June 1998 MDG 3003 SRA 97-98Department of Mineral Resources 
Annual Summary of Reportable Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences at Coal Mines July 1998 Through June 1999 MDG 3003 SR 98-99.pdf.jpg1999Annual Summary of Reportable Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences at Coal Mines July 1998 Through June 1999 MDG 3003 SR 98-99Department of Mineral Resources 
Assessment of Light-firing Shale Resources in the Mulgoa Area.pdf.jpg1981Assessment of light-firing shale resources in the Mulgoa area.Department of Mineral Resources 
Australian Standard Code of Recommended Practice for the Evaluation of Hard Coal Deposits Using Borehole Techniques June 1980.pdf.jpg1980Australian Standard Code of Recommended Practice for the Evaluation of Hard Coal Deposits Using Borehole TechniquesDepartment of Mineral Resources; Coal and Coke Association. Minerals Committee 
Be Aware Be Safe a Safety Booklet to Understand and Implement Mining Legislation Verification.pdf.jpg2002Be aware Be safe verificationDepartment of Mineral Resources 
Black Sands and Brown Maters - A Hydrochemical View of the Mineral Sands Mining Areas of the New South Wales Coast.pdf.jpg1984Black Sands and Brown Maters - A Hydrochemical View of the Mineral Sands Mining Areas of the New South Wales CoastM. Johnson; Department of Mineral Resources 
Broke Drilling Programme Geological Report Volume 1 - Text Geological Survey Report No GS 1999-277 June 1999.pdf.jpg1999Broke Drilling Programme Geological Report Volume 1 - Text Geological Survey Report No GS 1999-277 June 1999Coal and Petroleum Geology Branch; Stevenson, Darryl; Geological Survey of New South Wales; Department of Mineral Resources 
Broken Hill 100 Years of Mining.pdf.jpg1983Broken Hill : 100 years of miningKoenig, Kay; Department of Mineral Resources; Geological and Mining Museum